Hi. Welcome one and all to the fanfic/poetry/lyrical sub-journal of none other than
solitair. I decided to have a separate journal for fics and other wordy stuff that was not related to my daily yearly, more like musings to dump in. And this, my dears, is the result.
Here you will find molten stories/poetry/randomness of wordy love, angst and zomg, the drama. I shall inform you now that half of the stuff that has been [and stuff that will be] written here are all facets of my semi-bipolar personality, and I hope you enjoy the variety.
A few things to keep in mind:
1. Please do NOT pester me to update [insert fic name/poetry etc.]. I write when I want to write, and because of this, I will not submit to updating stuff that is already finished or which is on hiatus.
2. Do comment on what you've read. Constructive criticism helps me write better stories, and I can tackle stuff from a different angle. Feedback is always good to be had, as any author will tell you. Flames, on the other hand, shall be quenched with sand and excess carbon dioxide.
3. If you feel like adding me to your friends list, go ahead. Promote me, I say! *is shot*
4. DO NOT steal my writing! Everything that is written here has come directly from my brain, thank you very much, and I'd like to keep it that way. Plagiarism is a bitch, and I'll thank you to NOT plagiarise what I write.
5. Re: 4. If you do see someone plagiarising me, please inform me immediately.
Well, I guess that's all I really have to say, so I'll leave you muddle through the myriad of words that embody fanfics, poetry and randomicity.