[Kanjani8] [Fanfiction] [8 Synch Introspective Series] Belong \ Phoenix / Uchi Hiroki

Jun 21, 2007 14:39

Title: Belong / Phoenix (Uchi Hiroki)
Series: 8 Synch
Started: 21/6/2007
Finished: 21/6/2007
Word Count: 912
Pairing: None really.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Nuff said.
Rating: G
A/N: Ah, this was really hard to write. There was so much stuff I wanted to include but if I'd made it any longer it would have gotten monotonous. I hope it's alright? D:

Princess, princess, they smile and laugh.
Honey toast, Ryo grins as he slaps his hand on your back.

It wasn’t always like that, this togetherness, this feeling of being one with the group.

It took you a long time to be able to really open up to them because you’d been hurt before when people left you, like Mizuno-kun saying “Take care, hiyoko!”.

Because if getting close to Kanjani8 meant having to separate one day like in V.West, you didn’t want to go through it again.

Slowly, slowly, as the days went by, as the time you spent with them increased and you got to know them better, you opened your heart more, and they truly became the people that you cherished.

Being able to work together with these members, it was truly a blessing.

Even when NewS was formed and you and Ryo were worried about what would happen with Kanjani8, they were always there to support you, no matter what. You were finally able to break down those walls around you; you were finally able to express yourself fully to the other members.

You thought you’d be with the rest of Kanjani8 forever.

But then out of the dark, the underage drinking scandal hit you right in the face. All of a sudden you were suspended from all Kanjani8 and NewS activities and you weren’t allowed to show your face on any form of media.

All of a sudden, you were alone again.

And you’d never hated yourself more for it.

When they all arrived on your doorstep together, your mother opened the door and let them up, and they found you within the mess of your room, in the dark, crying and hiccupping and curled up on your side like a baby, they marched right in, your seven stars and they cooed over you and turned the lights back on and no, everything wasn’t alright because you’d made a huge mess of things but because they were right by your side and they were right here then you could stop crying and finally smile.

In your room, dusty and messy and crying like the idiots all of you were, all 8 of you got into a circle, arms resting upon each others’ shoulders, just like how you’d all rev yourselves up before the concerts. (It made you sniffle and then Hina whacked you upside in the head and made it better by pulling your head close to his shoulder and everyone laughed.)

We’re waiting for you, they say, No matter what, it’s always 8 of us (That’s Tadayoshi and more than anyone else, he understands that it’s not 7 + 1, it’s EIGHT altogether as one, damnit.)

After they leave, you still feel kind of hollow but it’s better now because you are going to race back and be right by their side and you’ll make it through because they are waiting for you.

It’s not as if you are able to smile everyday because the days of nothing turn into weeks and then months and suddenly a whole year has passed you by.

It feels as if the distance between you and them is widening and the mails don’t come as often because they are busy busy busy but when your sister shows you the issues of Duet and Myojo and Potato and Popolo that she buys, you notice that they always carve out a space for you, no matter how awkward it may look. (You laugh and cry at the coded j-web message that Ryo leaves for you and your mother watches with a small smile and eyes clouded with tears.)

Not once have they forgotten about you because in the Spirits!! DVD (where you should have been, you should have been there too, to see this milestone with them but you aren’t) when they introduce all the members, they have left that interval for you where it’d be your turn to rap-introduce Tadayoshi during his drum solo.

With the headphones over your head and the TV and DVD player on in your dimly lit room, you mouth the words that go along with them and feel whole somehow.

You dance along to the new songs and you buy the first full-length album when it comes out and you’ve framed the Sukiyanen, Osaka booklet because when the time comes for you to return to them, there’s going to be a lot of work but you’ll do anything if you can laugh and sing and dance together with them again.

Even though it’s difficult at times, you aren’t going to quit (you will never quit because they are waiting) and you do little chores for your grandparents and you find out what it’s like to be a normal teenager and it helps you grow up a bit, and you don’t cry as much anymore, but you’re still you with a bashful smile.

(You sing ONE over and over again and remember how hard it was for Subaru but he stood up again and you will too.)

One year turns into two years and when there seems to be no end in sight, Johnny-san calls you up and tells you that you’re a trainee again, and your heart soars because you’re going to Tokyo again and although you still can’t show your face on the mass media you are one step closer to going back to that place that is your home.

Back to that place where you’ll always belong.

fanfiction, uchi hiroki, kanjani8, 8 synch introspection series

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