Title: Infinity (Ohkura Tadayoshi)
Series: 8 Synch
Started: 20/6/2007
Finished: 20/6/2007
Word Count: 267
Pairing: None really.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Nuff said.
Rating: G
When you are asked by Johnny-san to enter Kanjani8, you are slightly apprehensive about it. Yes, you’ve worked with Shota and Ryuhei and Hiroki before, but there are also the senpai who were famous when Tackey was still a Junior - Murakami Shingo, Shibutani Subaru, Yokoyama Yu - and also Nishikido Ryo.
You’ve heard only good things about them (and you look up to them), and you remember Ryo because he was at the audition where you, Ryuhei (well, actually he should have entered at the same time as Subaru but the paperwork got lost and there he was again, one year later) and Shota passed and entered the jimusho as Juniors, and Ryo was right there too. But that was years back, and you haven’t seen him much since then because he was always in Tokyo and you were always in Osaka (because he’s more popular, and everyone knows how things work in the jimusho - the more popular you are, the more likely it is that you’ll be called to Tokyo and the more jobs you’ll get; and then there’s the poison tongue that he’s famous for) and you feel as if there’s a large distance between you and the rest of the members at first.
But then when they cheer and hoot and yell “Ohkura!” you know that you were mistaken, and that there is no such line between kouhai and senpai in this group, because all of you are bound together by the smiles and the hard work and hardships that you had to face.
They accept you exactly as you are, and you are one of them because you just are.
And no matter what other people may say, to you Kanjani8 will always be 8 people as 1.
(8 -> 1)
Other members:
Murakami Shingo / PresenceNishikido Ryo / PromiseShibutani Subaru / Heart