[Final Fantasy VII] [Fanfiction] [In Our Twisted Kingdom] Encompass

Feb 28, 2006 16:44

Title: Encompass
Series: In Our Twisted Kingdom
Started: 27/2/2006
Finished: 28/2/2006
Word Count: 1,259
Pairing: Reno/Tifa
Rating: M/R

Previous chapters: The Raging Silence, Every Whisper, Seamless Vision, Radiance

When Tifa wakes up for the first time beside Reno, her mind flashes through a set of conflicting emotions along with the memories that come of what has occurred the night before - shyness, embarrassment, then needingwantinglonging all churned together when Reno does things to her body with his tongue, teeth, lips and hands, and finally oblivion and ecstasy when he brings her to the brink of orgasm and beyond - a languorous smile graces her lips and her eyes open to see him sleeping, lips slightly parted, long lashes silent against his cheeks, and she thinks that his expression looks awfully serious - but no less beautiful - as he sleeps, brow slightly furrowed. The thin bed sheet that passes as a blanket is looped haphazardly over them, and it only covers their bodies from the waist downwards, exposing wide stretches of alabaster skin and scarred flesh. (Tifa has learned that the scar Sephiroth once gave her is no longer painful, but is a marker that Reno likes to follow when he plants kisses and fingers on the journey down her body.)

Her eyes take in every strand of hair, every movement of his chest as he breathes in and out and wonders how something so ordinary - Reno is anything but ordinary, her brain argues - as watching someone sleep can be so comforting and peaceful. The soft exhaling of breath from his nostrils can be felt as a caress against her forehead, and her fringe stirs slightly. One arm is curled under his pillow, cushioning his head; the other circles her waist loosely under the so-called blanket, ensuring that any movement that she makes to leave the bed - their bed - will definitely stir him from his slumber.

She reaches an arm across the space between them to touch his face softly and at her touch his eyes snap open -blazing blue fire - to rest on her face, before he slides a leg over her thigh, hooking it behind one of her ankles and offers her a dashing crooked smile. Tifa smiles at him and his eyes flutter close again when she brushes her fingers with feather-lightness across his brow. As she maps the contours of his face he pulls her closer just slightly with the arm around his face; she smiles widely (and chokes down a girlish giggle) because he looks like - for all intents and purposes - a cat that is being petted and is preening because it knows it looks good.

When her thumb brushes against his lips, her mind dimly registers the difference in the softness of his nose and his mouth; her eyes are focused on the way he watches her from lazy half-lidded eyes and his lips purse slightly - and his tongue darts out - to kiss her thumb before his mouth returns to its former expression of slightly upturned lips. Reno’s arm relocates in a rustle of pillows and bed sheets to be circled around Tifa’s head, and he lets his hand play with her hair, sometimes running through the black satin splayed out on the pillow, sometimes following a single strand of hair from scalp to the end of the strand. Her back grows warmer as the arm around her waist draws her closer and his other hand rubs slow smooth circles on her lower back, drawing a contented sigh from her.

She snuggles closer to him and her hand relinquishes his face to contact with the skin of his chest instead, enjoying the warmth of his skin. The hand that lies closest to his heart can feel the constant, even rhythm of each beat of his heart as his pulse vibrates through his skin and into hers; the other hand can feel the movement of his ribs and muscles as they move upwards and outwards when he inhales, then downwards and inwards when he breathes out. When she scoots as close as she can to him and slides slightly further under the sheets to press her ear against his chest to hear his heartbeat, he acquiesces by smoothing a hand to the middle of her back and closes his eyes again to bathe in her touch, her smell, her presence. For a long time, they lie there, breathing, living, being.

Tifa feels, more than hears the sound of his voice when he speaks, fingers brushing lightly over and threading through her hair. It rumbles softly through his skin.

“I’ve never actually just lain down and just been, just being with anyone before.” Reno can feel her twirl a strand of his hair around her fingertips. He pauses, contemplating what he wishes to say next; the light tug on his hair convinces him to find his voice again. “I’ve never stayed around until morning with any woman.” He can feel her lips curve into a slight smile against his chest. “I’ve never engaged in small talk in the morning,” He remarks dryly and she laughs softly. “I’ve never held anyone just for the sake of holding them.” Words tumble more freely from his lips in her presence, he muses. “I’ve never kissed anyone just to feel their lips part against mine, to have them kiss me back so ardently.”

His secrets are tumbling out of his mouth one by one and he has never felt more at peace than with her, right now in his arms. He takes a deep breath and his heart is suddenly in his throat.

“I’ve never told anyone that I love them so simply and desperately. I’ve never needed anyone more than I need you.” Reno’s heart lies bare, naked before Tifa, stripped of all the walls that he has ever erected around him and he waits for her answer.

She is silent for long seconds - it feels like an eternity for Reno - before she moves fluidly and sits up on her knees beside him even as his arm and the bed sheet slide down her skin, her back. Her eyes hold his for a long time and he waits forever for some answer, any answer. Just when he thinks that she will break his heart by turning and leaving him here, a broken shell forever, she leans down, cradling his face in her hands and she whispers so softly against his lips that he wonders if he’s just hearing things.

“All your secrets I shall keep. My heart is yours for as long as you’ll have it.” She pauses then, biting her lip softly and her eyes search his.

“My heart, Reno, is yours.”

The simple, yet truthful answer takes Reno some time to digest, understand, believe; then, the world sears to life again when she seals her lips over his and he finds his heart again, whispering sweet nothings while he pulls her down to him, pulls her close to his body, hands brushing over her skin fervently and he can’t get enough of her.

Each moment with her is a lifetime and he savours it one second at a time as they discover the pleasure of each others’ bodies again ever so slowly, one touch, one kiss at a time and each moment is tucked away forever into the memories that they have which other, forever untouched by any other time in eternity.

No matter what comes after, whether they will love each other as much as they do now, these moments that he builds with her he will hold gently cupped in his hands, each crystalline, beautiful memory.

Because after all, right here, right now, her every word, every kiss, every touch, is for him and him only.

reno/tifa, final fantasy vii, fanfiction, in our twisted kingdom

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