[Final Fantasy VII] [Fanfiction] [In Our Twisted Kingdom] The Raging Silence

Feb 22, 2006 01:29

Title: The Raging Silence
Series: In Our Twisted Kingdom
Started: 3/2/2006
Finished: 3/2/2006
Word Count: 620
Pairing: Reno/Tifa
Rating: PG-13

A/N: This 'In Our Twisted Kingdom' series was started when I took up the challenge at the stagesoflove community. The challenge consists of five stages: Attraction, Romance, Passion, Intimacy and Commitment. Each week, a ficlet/drabble must be written for the stage of the week. Thus, there will be at the very least, 5 chapters, but I'll probably have one or two more just to tie everything together and to make the growing relationship believable. As I post it up, I'll link the chapters that were posted previously so that interested readers will be able to read the earlier chapters if they're interested.

Theme #1, Week 1, Attraction

The Raging Silence

The sound of his heavy breathing, the blood on his lips, the sharp sizzling smell of seared hair and flesh keep him standing. When her leg swings upwards in a sharply angled kick that could have easily taken his head off - Holy Leviathan! This girl has one heck of a kick - he only barely blocks it with his trusty electro-mag rod. He meets her eyes briefly - they promise retribution - and flashes her a feral grin that promises pain; she snarls in return, moving aside swiftly before he can flick the switch on his EMR and her spiky-haired blond friend charges forward instead.

Throughout his mechanical blocking, taunting and hitting back twice as hard as they hit him, Reno only has eyes for the girl with fire in her eyes, with fists that hit harder than he ever thought a woman could hit and he has to remind himself that she's The Enemy.

He has to remind himself that he shouldn't be mesmerized by the way she moves just so, the way she executes her punches, fingers packed tight against her palm while her knuckles deliver the blow for maximum impact - even if he's the one being beaten up by those lovely, lovely fists - and the physical hurt is a Very Good Thing to him - where the fuck is Tseng? - just so he won't feel as guilty for killing all the innocents in Sector 7 just because Shinra wants to teach a lesson to AVALANCHE.

The telltale sound of chopper blades going whumpf whumpf whumpf in the night announce Tseng's arrival, and Reno isn't sure whether he should feel relieved or disappointed that this fight has come to an end but he knows that he wants to leave a lasting impression - not the one that they’ll hate him for because they will - on her, and he wants to stake a claim on her, beautiful thing that she is.

He takes her by surprise when he grabs her hands and spins her round - she has no choice but to move with him unless she wants to fall - before he mouths 'Goodbye' and steps off the building. Reno doesn't fall far because the chopper is waiting, but he likes watching the emotions run openly on her face and thinks that he isn't deserving of them even as he depresses the little red button that triggers all the wired bombs connected to each other like dominoes.

The destructive silence of the Plate falling is endless.

'So sorry', he mouths, but she will never see it because she is screaming for her friend, screaming for her home, and he sees clearly how she slides between anguish and grief and anger and back until he is too far away, and she is just a tiny speck. Reno falls back on the stretcher that has been prepared for him in advance, pulling an arm over his eyes, and he surprises even himself when the mad chuckle emits from his lips.

"So sorry," he echoes himself - and he can just imagine her angry, tear-stained face; she’d look so much more beautiful if she smiled, but that’s not the way things are - before he falls away into oblivion, exhausted, but her ruby-red eyes and the feel of her fingers against his haunt him.

reno/tifa, final fantasy vii, fanfiction, in our twisted kingdom

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