[Original] [Poetry] Black Fire

Feb 16, 2006 01:15

Title: Black Fire
Started: 16/1/2005
Completed: 16/1/2005
Word Count: 210

A/N: Pretty suicidal. Can you say emo?

Black fire burn
Consume me, engulf this meaningless existence
Twist through my limbs
Snake through my soul
Rip me apart from the
Inside out.

Stare out of these
Unblinking dry eyes
Holes that see everything
Feel nothing
Emotions churning to the extent of
Screaming soundlessly
I stare ahead
Fingers clenched
White knuckles,
Testament to the raging inferno within
Hidden from the world under the table
Masked with the customary smirk.

Anger me more
Make my rage intolerable
Sink my fingertips and leave scars
Grit my teeth and bear it
I want to lash out
Uncontrollable, unleashed.

The rage wishes not to leave
Even as I try to force it out
Simmering, always
Below the surface
Biding it’s time in silence
Striking like a snake
Deadly, deadly
Sinking it’s fangs in deep
Softly, softly
Poison rushing in my blood
Poison contaminating my veins
Cursed once, twice, thrice

Wanting to hurt
Just to watch the blood flow
Just to see that I’m alive
Just to drain the poison deep inside
Never purged
Finite strength of body
It’s eating me alive slowly
Piece by piece
Every bite a part of me disappears
Surrender to the shadows
Surrender to the pain
Surrender to the Black Fire finally
And fall from grace.

original, poetry

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