I have a bingo card from the Cotton Candy Bingo folks - it sounded about my speed, really.
Here goes nuttin' :
Family Healing Toothache Watching someone Pregnancy test Language / Words Kiss (on lips / face) Imitate Dessert Treasure Camp Groceries WILD CARD Snuggie (sleeved blanket) Sad / Upset New house /
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So I got through the bit about the will. My gratitude to batdina and laureth, as well as an instructor in family law at my school, for their help and suggestions. (Believe me: that was a scene I did not want to write! I was grateful to avoid it
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Story! by brownkitty, who is off creating quiet, thoughtful, OMGYIKES!!! worlds and societies in a handful of words whilst the rest of us fanfic all around her.
Parhelion's site entitled Germination Records contains an extended bounty of perfectly-executed narrative voice, whether that of Archie Goodwin, Nero Wolfe, or even on occasion Saul Panzer or Lily Rowan. She weaves everything from a brief wait on an encounter with mortality to a long, involved undercover war story. The quiet desperation and longing
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On this day, as we cannot help but remember what was, for our generation, what December 7, 1941 was for our parents', it is proper and appropriate to consider the work Cesperanza has put into a so-called "fanfiction" for the television science-fiction show "Stargate: Atlantis
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About the battlemother Guo, and her newly-acquired fiances:She heard faint whispers among the males huddled within her mantle cavity, but paid no attention. Until, moments later, she felt the stroking of a multitude of small arms along the great muscles of her rearhead
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People who have friended me from the fanfiction and slash side of my journal are nearly all already aware of this situation. However, and given that I have been commenting on fanfiction for a while now, I desire to present my other friends with some collected information on this subject. Following are links to overviews and discussions that I have
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