A "Normal" Weekend

Jun 14, 2009 20:24

We just had the best couple of days!

Being home both days of a weekend may not seem like much to most of you, but The Great Sorting began the second weekend of January and while we haven't been in Connecticut every single weekend, most of the weekends we have had "off" involved some sort of other out-of-town obligation, even if it was only for one day. So this weekend was a real pleasure.

On Saturday I finished putting the garden in. Yay! The microgreens I started in pots on the deck are almost ready to be harvested. (Photos soon, I promise.) I hung three loads of laundry to dry, including one that didn't quite make it before the rain arrived on Friday. BD took her first solo drive into "the city" of Burlington and returned both herself and the car unscathed (whew!) (Because I know she'll read this Monday, I have to say, it's not her we worry about, it's the other drivers. :} ). HH and I also finally made it into town to buy a mattress to replace the one that has been causing too many morning backaches and pains. We've known we needed to do this for about 3 months, but coordinating our schedules during the week never worked.

Today, the Cambridge Area Rotary celebrated its charter at the gorgeous Boyden Barn, and I got to meet a lot of interesting people from other Rotary Clubs. I joined Rotary when this chapter formed, because it's local (definitely a theme in my life) and because I like what Rotary stands for: Service above Self, international exchange and connections, eradicating polio, and literacy. This chapter also manages to make meeting from 7-8 am in the morning fun.

I spent the rest of the day working off the brunch by moving wood from its current location to its future location, and pruning some deadwood in trees and on my rosebush.

Any writing? No. But it was important to have this weekend, to remind us of what "normal" was and will be again. Besides, the sun was shining and it was necessary to be outdoors. The hardcopy revisions are sitting on the clean desk, waiting for me to start entering them tomorrow as soon as appointments are done and the day's deadline is met.

rotary international, wood, the great sorting, garden

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