Tim Brookes runs the best meetings! I spent about five hours today with a group of people developing a micro-publishing project that will combine
education and the production of books for which there is a need. As BD said when I was describing the day to her, "Champlain is an organic place." Yep. I get completely jazzed when I'm around creative people and even more so when those creative people have to do with books (both physical and virtual, visual and audio) and with encouraging young adults to develop their skills in this area. Stay tuned!
2. Could the rain please stop? It's starting to feel like the monsoon season in New England and I might be starting to grow mold.
3. I get to stay home this weekend. Both days. The Great Sorting Out will wait another week. That means, if it doesn't rain both days, I should be able to finish putting the garden in. Stay tuned. With any luck, the next post will have garden photos (the peas are up, as are the greens).
4. I forgot to post earlier this week, but I can now say that I have rung a Revere bell. In case you didn't know, I'm a fan of all things percussive, so this was a major deal. Feeling the rings of sound move out from the rim into the dark was...Wow! (That may have had something to do with how well the revisions went this past week.
5. Happy Golden, "Take Five!"
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I'm not a huge jazz afficionado (yet--there is this book project I have in mind...), but this song has always snagged my attention. I think it's the non-standard rhythms. Now they tease me to find a poetic form that will do the same thing.
Have a great weekend, everyone!