
Nov 23, 2009 00:13

Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper on their LiveJournal.
★ Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
★ Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!

I will PROUDLY show off my desktop.

★ Kanda is grinning. He doesn't do that often, but when he does it's fucking sexy.
★ He is SHIRTLESS and MUSCULAR. But not grossly muscular (like Skin).
★ The second illusion is my favourite... because I have a sword fetish and second illusion = two swords. Yum.
★ Kanda has become my favourite character (thanks to my roleplay with Alicia. <3).
★ I am totally a lesbian... but Kanda's just such a sexy man that he deserves to be on my wallpaper. Shirtless. And grinning. *wibbles*

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:

☆ First Name
Jessica. It's Hebrew and it means 'wealthy'. I KNOW my parents didn't name me for that. I'm anything but, and they were poor and just married when they had me so they weren't wealthy either. =P But I hate that name (if you must use it, spell it Jessi. Not Jessie or Jesse.) so I gave myself a new one: Emera. I go by Em for all my online friends, at work and at school. It's German and means 'industrious leader'. SO much better than Jessica, ne?

☆ Age
I'm 20, I'll be 21 innn... like, 5 months and a week. My birthday is April 30, which makes ma a Taurus. I was born at 11:56 PM, so if I would have waited 4 more minutes, I'd be a May baby. I think it's amusing that I was either two weeks late or a week early; one doctor said one thing, another doctor said another. According to my mom, tho, I was late. Which means I was due April 15th-ish. My parents got married July 11. Which means I am a honeymoon baby. X3

☆ Location
I live between Michigan and New York. My family lives in Michigan, but I go to New York for the summer/some holidays... and that will be discussed later. I REFUSE to say I live in Detroit, because I DO NOT live in Detroit. (Although people give me freaked out looks if I say I live in Detroit. It's kinda funny.) If you really wanna know where I live... I'm not gonna say it on here, because this journal isn't private. XD

☆ Occupation
I'm in my first semester of my Junior year of college. I'm majoring in Language, Literature and Writing for Secondary Education. I want to be an English teacher when I grow up is the easy way of saying it. I want to teach high school English; I can't stand elementary and middle school. I want to be able to teach Japanese some day, although I know very little of it right now. If the Japanese doesn't work out, I'd like to get certified to teach history; European history specifically. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION IS THE COOLEST WAR IN HISTORY. *ahem*

☆ Partner
sull89 She's my fiancee. ^^ We've been dating for 3 years, 3 months and 1 week. (Our anniversary is August 15th) and we've known each other forrrr... 4 years, 6 months and 12 days. We met on through a mutual friend at the time. A friend we've sadly lost touch with... although I would LOVE to get back in touch with Kim and Ashleigh. But yeah, we've been together through a LOT of shit and we're still strong. She's the reason I go to New York for the summer/some holidays. ^^ She lives WAY up in the boonies. It's SO FUCKING PRETTY up there. Although she lives an hour away from everything. =3= *city girl*

☆ Kids
My sister (who is 10 years younger than me) says I would be good with kids. Apparently I'm good with them; I have 6 children in my family (including first cousins) who are all 10 and younger and I manage to keep them occupied and laughing. But... I don't really like kids. They're adorable sometimes, but I'm not too good with the screaming/shitting themselves deal. Also... I don't like kids with attitude, and I'd be worried that my kid would be a brat. Granted, any kid Alicia and I have will have the coolest moms in existence. XD And the kid will be, literally, both mine and Alicia's. We're going to get my eggs fertilized and she's going to carry the baby. Granted, genetically it won't be Alicia's, but when you carry a baby for 9 months and share blood/everything else with it, it's fucking yours. And if we do have kids, not until we're in our 30's and we only want one. Although I want a boy and she wants a girl. *sigh*

☆ Brothers/Sisters
I'm the oldest. *heroic pose* I have a brother (Jim) who's 16 who is like... the most awesome little brother EVER. We got out of our constantly fighting phase and now we're friends. Which is beyond awesome. Then there's my little sister (Cecilia) who is 10. And she is adorable and I love her. <3. She really looks up to me, too, and I'm worried I don't pay enough attention to her. =( I'm going to go to her volleyball games this time, dammit! She's a really sweet kid, although she can be kind of a brat sometimes, but I think that's because she's trying to act older than she is to keep up with Jim and I. She brings me popsicles. <3

☆ Friends
I have the best friends ever. <3 I don't have a lot of friends, either. My main group consists of Hana, Candace and... Mel, to a lesser extent. I have a group of... not best friends, but friends that I love to pieces. Most of whom are gay, which is fabulous. XD I also have Kerri, my dear friend in Finland. <3 She's 18 this month (WTF) and I've known her since she was 13. ITS. WEIRD. I still remember goofing around when we were younger, now we're talking about sex. XD But I love them all right to bits. <3

☆ Pets
I've hadddd... 6. 2 of which have died. The first was Misty, a cocker spaniel/terrier. She was TOTALLY my mom's dog and was 6 months older than me. She lived to be 18; she was so old and nothing was working right for her anymore. It was so, so sad. Most of my friends didn't like her because she was old and cranky, but she was sweet to me and I loved her. <3 I had a hamster named Roxy that I got for my... 16th birthday? She. Was. MEAN. D= She bit me and would escape from her cage ALL THE TIME. We don't know how. I had metal ties on the door of her cage and a 10 pound wrench on the top and she STILL got out. We don't know how. She pulled a houdini one day and got trapped in an empty fishbowl and died of starvation. =( I looked all over for her and couldn't find her... we have no clue how she got there. Then we got another dog, Excaliber (who we just call Caliber) and he is the biggest ball of sweet there is. He's a husky mixed with something. He's... 4? He's so energetic and sweet and he wouldn't hurt a fly. ...okay, maybe a fly, but he's just a big sweetheart and he won't growl at you no matter what. I got a gerbil recently too, named Roy because he's all black with white paws. Yes, I name my animals after anime characters, shut up. GERBILS ARE NICER THAN HAMSTERS. He'll nibble on your fingers sometimes. That's it. I also got two cockatiels. I left them with their previous owner for the summer while I was with Alicia, and after an EPIC BITCH BATTLE, I finally got them back. Bak and Fou. <3. Annnd... that's it.

☆ Parents
*siiiiigh* Long story short: I am a lesbian. My parents dislike. My mom's become really cold about it and stuff and so we hardly talk like we used to and I basically think she's a bitch 90% of the time, although she's gotten a bit better since I got back from New York. Dad doesn't like it either, but I can still talk to him about it a little easier and we've gotten closer. Mom is the type to stay away from conflict no matter what and dad's really quiet, though HILARIOUS. Take out the gay thing, and we get along pretty well. Although mom is quick to anger.

-My fiancee. Planning for the wedding and just being with her. I love her. <3
-FUCKING. SCHOOL. This semester is KILLING ME more hardcore than EVER. Fucking upper level classes. c_c
-Christmas. There's Christmas drama. I don't wanna get into it cos it depresses me. >>
-Fighting illness. I've been sick for awhile. On and off. Fuck. c_c


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