Jan 01, 2010 09:34
Last night instead of going out or throwing a party we had a quiet night in instead. Anna and Erika came over and we played Trivia Pursuit and Little Big Planet and went to bed relatively early (2:00).
I have been having a really hard time relaxing lately. For the next few weeks I have no plans and nothing to do but sit around and do nothing, and as much as I want to I am having a hard time forgiving myself for such "laziness". Its this weird mentality that I can not get over. I have been applying for a bunch of jobs and surprisingly there are many places hiring, but so far no nibbles. I could be putting in some more effort to find a job, but at the same time I want to teach myself that its alright to just vacation and enjoy myself right now.
Anyway, It feels weird that its a whole new decade. 2009 started off great but the last six months were just an endless parade of bad bad bad. Alot of it was my fault. My only goal for 2010 is to not allow the mistakes I've made in the past to bother me so much, and to stop blaming myself for everything.