Back to the factory...

Aug 19, 2008 20:23

Vacation officially ended at 7:30 on Monday.  The entire team is back on site after a few weeks off, which means room and office changes, some new personnel,  lost items found, and the requisite computer issues, a few of which I solved so my compadres wouldn't have to get in the line for tech services.  Oh, and we had training on various topics and policies for the last two days too, and tomorrow will be more, before we can finally get some work done.  I'm already behind, through no fault of my own whatsoever!  It's nice, though, that maintenance had a chance to go through and clean and fix our building while we were out.  I still have to unpack some boxes in my new office and get some idea of a plan before I start the official consulting at the end of the week; I'm already getting requests for information when I go get a cup of coffee.  September is already filling up, with a training on a new program and an out of town conference and a few other things.

Our new department chair is settling in well, although she's a little nervous; we both gave up some time today to work on some issues, and I am perfectly happy being D's right hand and occasional enforcer if need be.  Hopefully she's grown that thicker skin over the last few weeks, which is needed with our vociferous and cunning crew.

So, what I need to do is look at initial assignments, make a conference schedule for each warm body on my list, and put up enough junk in my office so that it doesn't feel sterile.  I'll have about two hours to do that tomorrow.  Oh well...

Puppy is alternating between lovey and hellion.  Last night she somehow scared herself; I think I might have rattled the ironing board getting it out and startled her, or something, because she hid in her kennel for the longest time and I had a hell of a time coaxing her out. Then she tried to hide under my desk and J's desk.  I finally got her playing ball, and she seemed OK from there and not bothered a bit now.  She's spending part of each afternoon/evening in the backyard kennel with Willy, and she is not liking it.  All of a sudden, she uses the pitiful tiny puppy cry, apparently announcing to all that we are the worse border collie puppy parents in the history of the world and she is MISERABLE, MISERABLE! out there in the large kennel complete with a new doghouse, toys, and a water dish that bolts onto the fence so she can't knock it over.  She is so deprived.  Poooorrrr  puppy!

Eureka is on at 9, and then I'm hitting the hay.  I need to pace myself with this going back to work bit.  It's just a little adjustment being contained within walls again.  Not to mention the horrors of professional dress requirements, after weeks of shorts and tank tops.
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