Sep 11, 2002 15:00
The more this day goes on, the harder it becomes not to cry...
I finished my school work, and for some reason decided to turn on ABC...I'd missed all the stuff from Ground Zero, but NWA has either people related to people that were lost, or people who by some miracle made it out...all their stories combined with the images, it's just hard to believe even now that something so horrible could happen. God, I'm crying now...
I still don't know why this gets to me so I said in my last entry, I didn't know anyone there. I don't even know many people in that end of the country...and yet, even now, I still feel sick at the thought that someone could happen, that someone could have enough hatred to do this.
I really should turn this's not's like it's just happened again. I really don't want to feel that...I'm not saying that I want to act like it didn't happen. Thats not the case. That would be disrepecful. Maybe 80 years from now, September 11th will be something akin to November 11th is now to remember lives lost, the price they pay our freedom. You'd think by now we'd figure out a better way to settle our driffences than killing. Especially on the scale that happened in NY and Washington D.C. They were thousands of completely innocent people, just doing their jobs, and because of that they're dead. They suffered unimaginable pain, and they died. Thats not fair. It's just not fair.
That's what makes this worse than war in a least modern day war, where the soliders choose to go and fight, knowing the could die (WWI and WWII were conscription by the end, it's not quite the same...). I just cant even phathom the fact that we live in a world that holds the potential for something so horrible. I HATE IT! How are we supposed to get past this?
I went to bed last night terrifed that something was going to happen today...I'm not quite sure what, but that something horrible was going to happen.
What must the children of the people that were lost think? Do they even understand? What will they feel towards people of Arab decent 10 years from now? Will they hate them all just because of what happened, even though they had nothing to do with it? Will it be like when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, and the Japanese Americans and Canadians were all austrocized, Isolated, and/or sent back to Japan?
Nothing in our world is safe or certian anymore. Nothing. For me, this was like the nail in the coffin of actually having faith in the goodness of the vast majority of humanity. School shootings are scary enough. Oklahoma City was scary enough. Why cant all this pointless violence, hatred and cruelty just stop. Aren't we better than this?
How can we presume to bring innocent defenceless children into an society as screwed up as this?
I really want to believe that something like this will NEVER happen again, but apparently there seems to be no shortage of sick, twisted people in this world, hey?
rl stuff,
rl stuff.