The Stars that Guide us Home

Aug 12, 2003 12:03

I’ve been quiet for some time, but it is time to again whisper words into the ether of this network. I’ve been absent of late from the sweet torment of thought. I’ve been feeling more than thinking, which is rare for me. I’ve spent my life living by the principles of mind over matter. I’ve building up my mind, honing it, using it to control emotion and body to the point where I really never trusted the messages of either. If I was afraid I pushed it aside and dove right for the object of my fear. If I felt the pangs of love, I avoided the object of my desire until I had rational reasons to be interested. If I was sick, I pressed on, and ran and worked like nothing was wrong.

In my recent focus on bringing balance between the disparate polarities of my life I have realized something very important. My heart and body sometimes do have legitimate messages. Mostly my heart. My heart knew something recently that my mind would not acknowledge or allow me to see because of recent hurt.

I’d felt so blind recently. I was looking so desperately for signs to show me and guide to the bright futures my seer promised me. I was delving into my soul, and looking for messages from outside sources. The seer told me to look for signs from unusual places, I never thought he meant for me to trust my own heart. But, truly, for me there could be no more unusual place for to lay the weight of my trust. In this case, my heart guided me truly, for it led me to my star. Now with my eyes focused on that guide I find that the pieces of my life are falling into place. I don’t have everything figured out yet (I'm sure I never will), but I know where my future lies, and I know some of what I need to do. I was like a ship lost in darkness and storms in coral shoals, but with his star guiding me, I’ve navigated through the those treacherous waters, and I’ve come home.
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