a teary-eyed thank you, sean. as for lost compasses, having never never been lost, how can we ever find? for truly, there is no distinction to be made between lost and found, they are concepts so intimately intertwined that jealous lovers lazily gaze in such a way as to create a sort of subtle acquiescence to the flow of all things. there is no lost, there is no found, there is only IS. we need not categorize our place, whether it be physical or mental or emotional, we simply are where we are and what we are and that is perfection. the compass is unnecessary because there is nowhere to go that is not perfection, there is no feeling to feel that is not perfection, there is no perfection to perfect that is not perfection. samsara IS nirvana IS samsara IS nirvana IS samsara IS perfection IS bliss IS emptiness IS nothingness IS everything IS one IS all IS separate IS interconnected IS bliss IS words IS wordlessness IS perfection. perhaps those words in this context might still be accurate. for in the depths of samsara, which afterall IS nirvana, you lost your compass, realizing that there is nowhere you need go, for you are already there, sean. your camel was your unhappiness.
knock knock.
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