(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 21:41

10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people.

1. I hate you a little bit more every time you leave a dish in the sink or use the last of my tampons with out buying more.
2. I really wish you'd say "i love you" when we hang up, and just gimme a fuckin hug when i ask for one.
3. I still wanna be your little lamb. one of my biggest resentments is that my body has grown too big to fit in your lap
4. I still think of you daily (even though we were just a high school fling, and i haven't seen you in 4 years) i drive past your house every time i go back up to rockland in hopes of catching a glimpse of you.
5. I'm really sorry that i fucked your boyfriend. i was a disaster at 16.
6. Now I realize that everything is in it's right place and I'm happy. but i must admit, when i found out that you were engaged my initial thought was that i'd lost what ever slim chance i may have ever had to make out with you again.
7. (a) I don't think i have ever orgasmed, and i'm worried that i won't recognize it when it happens. (b) I have NEVER masterbated. really
8. I do blame you for this.
9. Why'd ya do it? Do you have daughters? What would you do to a man if he did to her what you've done to me? Do you ever feel guilty? Do you remember me? Or am i just 1 in a million, because your face is burned in my memory.
10. Smile more! i just know that one day your efforts will be rewarded.

9 things about yourself

1. I'm terribly nostalgic
2. I don't like bars or clubs
3. I have a terrible irrational fear of cats
4. One of my greatest aspirations is to move somewhere far. live there so long that i develop an accent
5. I'm one of the most compassionate people i know, to the point that it can physically pain me.
6. I have a REALLY nasty temper
7. I'm crooked. crooked teeth. one hips higher than the other. one boob bigger than the other.
8. Despite the fact that I often boycotted gym in high school I'm really good at basketball, soccer, and lacrosse.
9. I've never had a pet

Eight ways to win your heart:

1. Be attractive
2. Be ambitious
3. Have a good sense of humor
4. Be fun/funny.
5. You have to like my family or there is just no chance
6. Have a hobby/be passionate about something
7. Be sweet to me
8. Read out loud to me

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:

1. Is it time to leave [work] yet
2. I wish i had more money
3. I wish i were thinner
4. Is it the weekend yet?
5. I hope I make them proud
6. I hope I can fix this
7. I hope I find real forever and ever love

Six turn offs:

1. Liking me (""I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.""
2. Being a pussy
3. Lack of motivation/procrastinating
4. Behaving in a condescending manner
5. Having bad relationships with family
6. Dishonesty

Five ways to make you smile:

1. kisses
2. dance silly
3. hand me money
4. give me puppies

Four mistakes you've made in your life:
1. Being a crummy daughter for a little while
2. Getting arrested.
3. Doing drug
4. Not putting more effort in when i was in high school

Three smileys that describe your life:

: /

; P

: )

Two things you want to do before you die:

1. Have children. LOTS
2. skydive

One confession:
I'm a serial dater. I worry that I may not be in touch with myself because i have never been single for an extended period of time.
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