Watching Over You - Chapter 7

Jan 30, 2012 23:53

Title: Watching Over You - Chapter 7
Author: Bluespire
Pairing: Ville/Bam, hinting at Ville/Mige and Ville/OC
Summary: Ville is a Viking warrior, eldest son of Kari, a Viking Jarl. Bam is a slave (called a thrall). What happens when Ville pays Bam's slave price and moves him from the kitchens into his bed?
Rating: Will eventually be NC-17
Disclaimer: While Ville, Bam, Mige, Kari, Anita, Jesse and some of the others mentioned within this story are real people, the events that take place in this work of fiction are not real. No harm or offense is meant by the characters and events depicted within.
Warnings: This thing reads like a bad historical romance novel. Minimal research was done so it will likely be wildly inaccurate. Much suspension of disbelief is required.
Author's Notes: This chapter dedicated to the lovely Miss melindajane for giving much needed encouragement and the idea for Ville to view the measuring.


Bam wasn’t sure what Ville had meant by ‘make yourself available’ for measurements. He’d never worn clothes that were intended for him. Thralls’ clothing was rough and loosely cut and his had always been worn by many others before it found him. The idea that something must “fit properly” was a new one to him. Nevertheless, the fitting was to take place. The tailor found him midday working in the armory repairing a spear that had been shattered during training.

“The eldest Valo child bid me find you. You must come now for measurements.”

Bam put down his tools and followed the tailor to Ville’s rooms. Ville was there waiting, arms crossed. He said nothing as Bam entered, merely gesturing that they should begin.

The tailor turned to Bam and waited, then sighed when Bam did not act and ordered him to remove his thin leather slippers and outer tunic.

Bam complied as quickly as he could but he was overly conscious of Ville watching him and it made him clumsy. Dressed in his threadbare under shirt, his feet bare, he felt more naked than the time that Ville had found him shirtless in the kitchens.

The tailor knew his job and went about tracing Bam’s feet onto a sheet of thick leather with a fire blackened twig, then holding a string of yarn to various parts of Bam’s body, having him stretch his arms out to the sides and then drop them. The tailor tisked when he came to Bam’s slave collar, commenting to Ville that the tunic must be cut larger around the neck to accommodate it. Ville remained silent, merely nodding as he watched the man work. Very quickly all the needed measurements were made. When he was done, the tailor gathered his tools and bent respectfully to Ville.

“His things will be ready day after next.”

Ville nodded again and followed the man to the door of his room, pushing it closed after the man left.

“This is good,” Ville spoke decisively, returning to stand before Bam. “I will not have you taking ill from cold. These items will also serve well when we raid.”

Bam swallowed and nodded.

Ville watched him then, his sharp gaze scrutinizing Bam’s face, before stepping closer and placing his large hands on Bam’s shoulders. Bam could feel the warmth of his palms burn though the thin fabric of his undershirt.

“Does this not please you?” Ville’s eyebrows drew together.

Bam was at a loss for words. Was this meant to please him?

“I made the assumption that the price of the clothing would be added to my slave price,” Bam spoke hesitantly, forcing the words roughly through his closed throat.

Ville drew a breath in then held it before exhaling loudly. “Your slave price… That had not been my intention.”

Ville’s gaze swept Bam’s body and Bam felt his temperature rise in response.

“There are other ways to earn my good favor,” Ville growled before his lips pressed down.

Bam froze but only for a moment and then his mouth seemed to open of its own accord under Ville’s, a helpless whine escaping his throat. Bam had dreamt of Ville’s kiss nightly since he'd tasted it the first time but he’d had no indication that Ville intended to repeat it until now. He could not have imagined that it could be better than before but he was sure that his lips were not deceiving him. Bam’s eyes slipped closed as Ville’s tongue began stroking his own.

The kiss went on with Bam trying to keep up until he felt he might faint from the pleasure of it all. Putting his hands on Ville’s chest, he pushed lightly, then unable to resist, let his arms slide up and around Ville’s neck. Understanding Bam’s need, Ville released his mouth and Bam gasped for air, burying his face in Ville’s neck. Breathing in his scent, Bam gathered strength from his master, praying that his knees wouldn’t buckle and embarrass him.

Bam could hear the thundering of Ville’s heart in his chest and was gratified to know that he was not the only one affected by the caress.

Eventually Ville cleared this throat and loosened Bam’s hold, carefully placing space between them and meeting Bam’s gaze.

“You are under my protection now. I am merely attempting to keep you safe. You should wear clothes appropriate to the weather. This comes at no cost to you.”

Bam swallowed and nodded, looking solemnly up at his master.

Ville met Bam’s eyes for another moment before nodding and turning to go.

Bam dressed shakily in his rough clothing, waiting until he felt the strength return to his limbs before retracing his steps to the armory to finish his work on the spear.

Chapter 8 - Migé

watching over you, vam

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