Watching Over You - Chapter 6

Jan 29, 2012 21:21

Title: Watching Over You - Chapter 6
Author: Bluespire
Pairing: Ville/Bam, hinting at Ville/Mige and Ville/OC
Summary: Ville is a Viking warrior, eldest son of Kari, a Viking Jarl. Bam is a slave (called a thrall). What happens when Ville pays Bam's slave price and moves him from the kitchens into his bed?
Rating: Will eventually be NC-17
Disclaimer: While Ville, Bam, Mige, Kari, Anita, Jesse and some of the others mentioned within this story are real people, the events that take place in this work of fiction are not real. No harm or offense is meant by the characters and events depicted within.
Warnings: This thing reads like a bad historical romance novel. Minimal research was done so it will likely be wildly inaccurate. Much suspension of disbelief is required.
Author's Notes:This was started from a drabble and just kept going. Written and posted with minimal editing. Flying by the seat of my pants over here.


Bam tried to move silently as he reentered Ville’s room carrying a basin of warm water for Ville’s morning bathing. Bam’s training was helping with that actually, he felt lighter on his feet. He was sure he’d made no sound but when he’d carefully placed the basin by the fire and turned, Ville was propped up in his bed watching him. This was not uncommon. Bam had turned to find Ville watching many times over the past months since Bam had become his man. The expression was different from those on Ville’s face when Bam had been a kitchen slave. Nevertheless, Bam found them equally inscrutable.

“Good Morning. Are you ready to bathe?” Bam asked. He’d also learned to address Ville directly without stuttering, well, most of the time.

“Yes, thank you,” Ville answered.

Ville sat up in bed while Bam placed a cloth on Ville’s lap and then retrieved the basin. Despite his increase in confidence, Bam’s hands were shaking as they worked to fold Ville’s undergarments away from his neck and shoulders so Bam could wash his hair.

“You’re shivering. Are you cold?” Ville asked.

“Um… it’s very cold outside,” Bam answered evasively. He didn’t want Ville to know that it was being this close to him that made Bam quake. “But I warmed up in the kitchens whilst heating your water.”

Ville was silent for a moment while Bam waited for him to being washing his face. “Why do you heat the water, Bam? It’s not tradition.”

“Oh.” Bam was surprised. Ville spoke the truth. It was customary to begin the day rinsing one’s face and hair but typically cold water was used. Bam awoke extra early to warm the water, knowing it would make Ville’s bathing much more pleasant. “I have to break ice to retrieve the water. It is only one extra step to heat it in the kitchens, easily done for a boy raised there.”

Ville stiffened slightly and when he spoke, his voice sounded angry. “And it gives you a chance to visit with your friends there?”

Bam was confused by what he might have done to anger his master. “I do not tarry. Only a few are up that early, those responsible for the fires. I… I do it for you. I thought it would bring enjoyment to your bath. But I will stop at once if it displeases you.” Bam spoke quickly, not wanting Ville to find fault with him.

“You do it for my pleasure? Not to see your girl, Missy?”

Again Bam was surprised. “I thought only to please you. And Missy is not my girl.” Bam paused and then a thought came to mind. “There is gossip that she is with Einar who works in the stables.”

“And does that upset you?” Ville asked, his green eyes squinting as he looked up at Bam.

“I do not think of her… except, I wish her well, of course.”

Ville seemed exhale a deep breath and then smiled. Bam felt that tight breathless feeling in his chest that he always got in the face of Ville’s smile.

“Do you wish to bathe?” Bam asked.

Ville nodded and began with rinsing his face and neck. When he was finished, he leaned forward and Bam used a wooden bowl to pour the water over his head until it was thoroughly rinsed. Setting the basin aside, Bam picked up the cloth on Ville’s lap offered it to his master.

“You do it.” Ville answered shortly.

Bam raised his eyebrows but complied immediately, opening the cloth and using it to carefully dry the strands of Ville’s hair, ending with a careful massage of his scalp.

“Mmmm,” Ville groaned appreciatively.

When Bam was finished, he turned to hang the cloth by the fire to dry but Ville reached out and caught the sleeve of his tunic, stopping him. “Your clothes are not winter weight. This is not enough protection to be out in the early morning, breaking ice to fetch water. They were fine for the kitchens but no longer suit your purposes. I will order thick leather boots and a winter-weight tunic for you. Your measurements must be taken today. See that you make yourself available.”

Bam nodded and turned to the fire to hang the cloth. Clothes made for him. He'd never imagined such a thing. He was half delight and half uneasiness. This was too much. He wondered what Ville would want in return.

Chapter 7 - Clothes

watching over you, vam

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