Mar 13, 2012 23:56
I am currently absolutely shattered, but never mind I shall write an LJ post! It's been a long but, aside from a dodgy start, really good day. The thing I was doing in the early afternoon was a bit of a screw up, but it worked out fine in the end.
I got a call from someone I was at uni with and he was filling me in on all the gossip. It makes me both sad and vindictively pleased to hear some of it.
Had a meeting with a managing director who gave me some really good feedback. Basically said I was doing exactly what I have to do to get into this industry and that he thought I had the right energy to make it and do really well. Always amazing to hear!
Made Mother's Day arrangements with my brother (the usual thing of me buying flowers of chocolates and him paying me back).
Bought some of those amazing M&S chocolate rolls (the tiny ones in the tub). Damn they are good.
I called the guy I thought I'd fucked everything up with yesterday and it turns out all is well and I may be getting an amazing opportunity there sometime soon!
Had a meeting with this other project I'm working on at the moment which was really useful and productive and has once again meant my days are filled with being useful rather than being a lazy moping bum.
Went to the pub and ended up talking about how amazing Sherlock was. Standard.
And now I'm crashed out on the bed in dire need of sleep. So yeah, that was my day. All very vague, but all really good and promising!