[sequel] Anything For You : happy + sad sequel

Aug 10, 2010 10:19

Title: Anything For You {sequels}
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Akame
Summary: sequel to Anything For You. Just a more definite ending than the one I left; one's a happy ending and one's a sad ending.
Date written: January 17, 2008
Note: The sad sequel is the prequel to the Second Chance series.


The first one is so fluffy that it makes my teeth rot. ugh.

The second one is the sequel that led to Second Chance.


Happy Sequel:

A flutter of eyelashes was the first sign that the man in the bed was waking up. Brown eyes opened slowly before closing again. A few moments later, as though it was hard work, the eyes opened slowly again and stayed open for longer this time, taking in the surrounding white walls and the medical equipment next to the bed.

And the man slumped in the hospital chair next to him.

Brown eyes closed again, with a smile on his face but the moment of alertness had not escaped the attention of the monitors next to his bed and the man who had been sleeping next to the patient started awake, staring as the brown eyes which had indeed been opened closed and a sweet, sweet smile crossed the man’s face.

“Kazu?” Jin asked almost in disbelief, taking hold of the other man’s hand in his, “Kazu? Are you awake?”

He stared at Kazu for a few moments and he was about to sit back, disappointed, when the eyes opened again.

This time they stayed open as they stared into Jin’s own hopeful ones.

“J-J -” Kazuya tried to speak but only ended up making rasping noises.

“Kazu!” Jin said in relief.

Kazuya had a million questions rushing through his mind.

“Jin” he finally made out, ignoring the ache in his throat when he spoke, “What -”

He was cut off when he really looked at Jin.

The older man was sitting there, staring at Kazuya with tears trailing silently down his face, and it did not escape Kazuya the circles under his eyes as though he had slept very badly for a long time, or the unshaven look he had as though he had not even bothered taking care of his outward appearance and - and he had a hand clutched over his heart.

“Jin? What’s wrong - Jin, you…”

“Kazu…can I…can I hold you?” Jin whispered, looking at Kazuya with such an intense expression that Kazuya was so taken back that he could only nod.

Jin’s arms wrapped around Kazuya, slowly but comfortingly and the embrace was tighter than it had ever been, as though Jin was afraid if he let go, if he even loosened his grip, Kazuya would disappear forever.

“My heart hurts…” Jin whispered, “I was so scared, I was so scared I had lost you, I was so sure I had lost you. I’m so happy and so relieved right now that my heart hurts like it’s going to explode out of my chest. I’m sorry Kazu…I’m so sorry - please, please don’t go away again” he said, tears trailing freely now and he let out a choked, desperate sob as he clung to Kazuya tighter than ever.

He continued to talk, arms still wrapped so tightly, so warmly around Kazuya.

“I’m sorry - I really…I’m really sorry; I’m the most horrible boyfriend ever - I made you think I didn’t love you, I made you think you weren’t important, and I’m so sorry, because I do love you - I love you I love you I love you, I love you so much and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry I didn't pay attention to you and I’m sorry that I’m so selfish. I’m sorry that you had to put up with me for so long….” His voice broke then, as another sob came out.


“…and right now, I’m so scared - scared and happy at the same time. I’m so happy that you’re okay, that you’re alive and that you’re okay, but I’m scared…scared that this is a dream, and scared that you realize what an awful person I am and scared that you’re going to do what everyone else is saying you should do, and leave me…I’m so scared - I know I’m a horrible person, Kazu, but please…” his voice faltered.

“…don’t go away again…” he said and buried his head in Kazuya’s shoulder with a frightened and heartbreaking sob, “Please, I’ll do anything - just…just don’t leave me” his whole body was shaking now and Kazuya could only stare at Jin for the longest moment, mind just barely registering what Jin was saying.

Slowly, he took Jin’s hands in his and moved them away, pushing Jin away from him slightly.

Jin looked at Kazuya, heartbroken.

“Jin, who am I?” he asked seriously.

Jin looked at Kazuya, horror and shock in his eyes as he stuttered out the familiar name, “Y-you’re K-Kamenashi Kazuya and you’re -”

“Exactly” Kazuya said with a smile, “Kamenashi Kazuya, who has been in love with you, Akanishi Jin since as long as he can remember. Kamenashi Kazuya who has never thought of being anywhere than with Akanishi Jin; Kamenashi Kazuya who is the happiest when Akanishi Jin is by his side and smiling”

Jin stared at Kazuya through tearful eyes.

“Kamenashi Kazuya only feels whole when Akanishi Jin is with him. He would never leave Akanishi Jin”

Jin broke into a relieved smile.

“Because Kamenashi Kazuya loves Akanishi Jin more than anything” Kazuya finished with his own smile and his own tears in his eyes, “Because I love you more than anything"

---- END ----

yeah....so sickeningly sweet...is it any surprise I was a young impressionable teenager at the ripe age of 17 when i wrote this? Well, it isn't to me; so high school romance-like...=___= not a bad thing, i guess, but totally not my style anymore. Which is why it's here =P because i can't believe i ever wrote something like this :D


Sad Sequel:

The attic was filled with dust and it was with a wrinkled nose and an expression of extreme dislike that he stepped up into the room above the rest of the house, wondering what kind of junk had been stored in here over the years. He extended a hand down the stairs to help the other man up and  the older man shot him a brief smile before looking around the room with a contented sigh.

“This brings back memories” he said in a reminiscing tone, “Yes…”

“Whatever” the younger teenager rolled his eyes, “So what’re you trying to find up here anyways?”

“Well…it’s a secret” the other one said with a smile.

The teenager rolled his eyes, “Honestly, you’re not funny - I’m helping you out here on my Saturday afternoon  you know!” he crossed his arms.

“And you’re a good kid for helping your grandfather out, Kazuya…until you get together with your cousin and then you’re a brat” the old man said with a smile at his grandson, “It’s actually something I stored up here, to keep away the memories…but now…well, it is the fifty year anniversary” he said sadly.

Kazuya was surprised to see such a terrifyingly sad smile on his grandfather’s face.

The old man snapped out of his reminiscing and looked at Kazuya, “Look for a brown box, dated oh, about fifty years or so ago - I think it was around 2008…it should be at the bottom of everything else by now”

“Alright” Kazuya said hesitantly, still not knowing what he wanted to know but decided not to press his grandfather for details…yet.

It was four hours later, amidst shouts of laughter when each of them found something amusing, such as Kazuya’s baby pictures, that Kazuya finally came upon a box.


Kazuya blinked, reading his own name.

“Grandfather, I think I found it - Jin and Kazuya?”

The old man flinched at the names and nodded, moving over as quickly as he could. He peered at the box.

“Yes…that’s it”

He carefully pried the old cardboard box open and looked inside.

“It’s been so long…right…?” he said, as a tear leaked from his eye.


The silence reigned all around them, surrounding them like a cloak as they stood alone in the area that was now deserted of people. They were the only ones left here now, the only ones who could possibly understand how much - how much the smiling man in the picture meant to them, how much the sweet smile touched their lives and just how much their own hearts were cracked and shattered completely by the man that was no longer there with them.

The man who left the world for a better one, but at the same time, leaving their hearts crushed and broken, torn and shredded.

“I…” the silence was broken by Jin, who was taking in shuddering breaths as he moved toward the picture, the picture that he so much wanted to hold onto forever.

Maybe, just maybe, if he wished hard enough, the picture would come to life and everything would be okay again, because everything was always okay when Kazuya was there.

But he wasn’t there anymore.

A choked sob escaped his lips as he knelt down in front of the table, hands gripping the cloth on the table underneath the picture frame like a lifeline.

As though the cloth was his only connection left to Kazuya.

They watched as tears flowed down his face and it was with a sob of his own that Tatsuya sunk down to the ground and buried his head in his knees, as though he could hide from the world, hide from the grief in that way.

“I…no…he can’t be gone…” Yamapi was whispering as he stared through his tears at the picture. Cries and stifled sobs echoed through the entire area.

The others had broken down, their resolves not to cry destroyed when the first sign of tears had showed.

They had tried to be strong.

But they couldn’t.

Ryo ducked his head, hiding his face and none would ever dare mention the dark splatters that appeared on the ground underneath him.

Yuichi was kneeling next to Tatsuya and although he was trying his best to be strong, to comfort Tatsuya, he could only cry with Tatsuya. Junno and Koki were standing off to the side, Koki staring glassy eyed at the picture while muttering to himself.

“I promised not to cry…I…I…” he muttered under his breath as he wiped at his eyes furiously, only to be proved a fruitless attempt as new tears welled up.

Junno was sitting on the ground, looking at the picture as though the fact that Kazuya was gone had just finally hit him and that the force of that realization had pushed him down onto the ground.

Wet streaks stained his cheeks.

“I…I didn’t get a chance to…” Jin muttered, looking up, “I didn’t get a chance to apologize…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I wanted to say it to you, but…”

He sobbed, “You left me and you had every right to. I was horrible - I was so horrible to you; why did you stay with me through everything? I was so…I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry - I love you I love you I love you and I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry…I’m sorry I made you feel as though I didn’t; I’m sorry I never kept my promises; I’m sorry I could only ever warm you up and never just keep you out of the cold…I’m so sorry…please….believe me…if - if you come back, I’ll never…I’ll keep all my promises. I’ll go to the bus stop early and wait for you and I’ll never let you be cold again and I’ll never - I’ll never stop saying that I love you! Please…just come back…come back to me…just…Kazuya…come back, please, just come back…just…don’t leave - oh god, please don’t leave”

There was a long moment in which the silence was only filled by crying and Jin’s pleading.

Pleading for a loved one to return from where no one returns.

“Please…I love you - I’m sorry, I’m - I’m…I love you”


“Who - who are these people?” Kazuya asked, looking curiously at the picture in the box.

“These…are very important people” his grandfather answered with a sad smile, "You recognize some of them I'm sure - they come around a lot during vacation - you know, when you try to get christmas money from them"

He laughed wryly but then sobered as his finger continued to the side, passing over the familiar people.

“This is Kamenashi Kazuya” he pointed sadly at the faded picture, a man on the left, “He died when he was just a bit older than you, a tragic story that everyone of us still regrets even now…you were named after him; as you know, I only had daughters, so I could never give any of my children that name”

“And - and was he...sick...or…”

“No...Kazuya died for love - he died for the one he loved, a foolish man named Akanishi Jin” the man said with a sad smile.

“Jin?” Kazuya asked in shock, looking up at his grandfather.

“Not your friend, of course, although he was named after him.......Akanishi Jin, a foolish man who died of a broken heart and followed Kazuya into death exactly a year after Kazuya died”

---- END -----

sequel, fic: second chance, year: 2008, one-shot, pairing: akame

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