Title: Versus JinJin - Second Chance Side Story #2
Pairing: Akame, pikame and ryokame
Rating: PG
Summary: another side story to
Second Chance. Featuring Akira, and jealous!Jin, and major competition and oblivious Kazuya. Or something like that I guess.
written: may 19, 2008
This was originally a sort of multi-chapter side stories written for
chuu00 , but it never made it past the first chapter. Soooo, it has become a side story, and yeah, it's not that great. XD but it's similar to what you usually find in the chibi series i guess XD
This one features mostly baka!Jin, so...uh...don't read if you can't take that sort of thing.
There was a silence in the classroom, the daycare filled with the bodies of napping children, some as young as two years old, some as old as five, as they all lay on blankets in rows all over the room, asleep. One of the older children, a cute little boy with a thumb in his mouth, sat up, a pout on his face as he looked around the room, also known as the sleeping room. The children were often separated into different groups depending on their age so they could learn at the pace they were supposed to, and nap time was the rare time that the children were together in the same room, indoors.
Jin crawled across the blankets, ignoring the protests from the sleeping children as their blankets were jolted to one side when his foot accidentally got caught in one and he had to kick it away with all his strength of the sound they made when Jin’s foot accidentally kicked on in the head as he crawled over to the far side where the two year old children were sleeping.
His face brightened when he saw the sleeping toddler with the thumb in his mouth and he crawled faster, still hitting and knocking into other children on his way, “Kazu~~” he whispered as he poked the two year old in the shoulder, resting on his stomach to stare at the child, “KAZU~~”
The baby shifted lightly but did not wake up.
“Kazu!!!!!!!” Jin said as loudly as he could in his whisper without actually going above a whisper.
Kazuya merely put his thumb in his mouth and muttered something incoherent in his sleep as he turned.
“KAZU” Jin said ever louder.
Jin suddenly felt something poke him in the back and he turned and he could not help the glare - a cute baby glare but a glare nonetheless - that appeared on his face when he saw him.
Akira, one of the few other children in Kazuya’s age group, in the group for two to three years olds.
And Jin’s rival for Kazuya’s attention.
“Kazu not want to wake up” Akira said with a frown as he looked at Jin, “Ba~~ka~ leave Kazu-chan alone!”
“Kazu-chan ALWAYS wants to be woken up by me!”
“Kazu SLEEP” Akira said, frowning harder at Jin.
Jin glared, “Kazu wake up!”
“Wake up!”
“Wake up!”
“JinJin, quiet” Kazuya mumbled, rubbing his eyes, “Kazu sleep…” he said before putting his head back onto the blankets, “KiraKira sleep” he murmured, pulling on Akira’s pant leg. Akira nodded solemnly and laid back down on his blankets, “Okay, KiraKira sleep” he repeated, and sent Jin a warning glare as he laid down next to Kazuya.
Jin pouted, lip quivering, “Kazu” he whimpered.
Kazuya cracked a sleepy eye open, “JinJIn can sleep with Kazu” he said tiredly, “JinJin…” he yawned.
Jin beamed brightly and began to lay down on Kazuya’s blanket, “Yayyy”
Before he could, however, “Jin! Get back to your own blankets and stop bugging Kazuya!” the teacher watching the children had come back into the room.
Jin pouted, sitting on the floor and looking as though he was going to cry.
“Now, Jin!” the teacher scolded.
Jin sighed heavily and began to move away from Kazuya.
“Night night JinJin” Kazuya said sleepily as he curled up in his sleep. Next to him, Akira moved closer to the sleeping Kazuya, seemingly asleep.
But of course, Jin knew better.
Akira was evil.
And despite the soft sleeping noises coming from the other child, Jin was sure that moving was completely intentional.
Akira was out to steal Kazuya from Jin after all.
Because everyone was out to steal Kazuya from Jin.
Because they were all jealous of Jin.
Yes, that was it.
Because they all knew Kazuya loved Jin best.
Jin gave a huff as he sat down on his own blanket, sulking in the corner.
At the end of the day when Ryo and Yamapi came to pick Jin and Kazuya up, Jin was still sulking and Kazuya was blinking at the sulking Jin in confusion. When he saw Ryo and Yamapi, however, Kazuya beamed and ran with his little legs over to the two.
“Ri-Ri!!!” he squealed, “Pi-Pi!!!”
Pi laughed as he picked Kazuya up as soon as Kazuya got to him, holding his little hands out to be carried, “Kazu-chan~~” he said with a grin, “How was school?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows.
“FUN!” was Kazuya’s answer, “KiraKira played with Kazu!” he said happily.
“You know…” Pi said as he handed Kazuya over to Ryo, “I am still very very disturbed how much the kid is like me…” he commented, looking at the kid in question who was glancing over cautiously at the adults holding his friend before bouncing over.
“Pi-Pi~~~~~” Jin whined, “Get him to go away!!!”
“Jin” Pi said, looking down with a stern look, “Don’t be jealous”
“BUT JINJIN NO WANT HIM HERE. HE…HE TAKES KAZU-CHAN AWAY!!!” Jin cried, hugging Pi’s leg, “Kazu-chan is JinJin’s!! JinJin don’t want him here!”
“Jin…” Pi said sternly, picking Jin up, “Don’t be possessive and mean”
“…what’s…um…possession mean?”
“Posessive” Pi corrected, “It means you only want Kazu for yourself and won’t let him make friends”
“JinJin wants to be possession”
“GAH!” Yamapi hit his head with his palm, “Okay, fine; you can be a possessed possum”
Before Jin could say anything to that, Kazuya bounced up to them, “Pi-Pi!!! Ri-Ri said ask Pi-Pi”
“Ask me what?” Yamapi beamed at the toddler
“Can KiraKira come play with Kazu?!”
“NOOOOOO!!!!” Jin screamed but was ignored as Yamapi crouched down in front of Kazu, gave him a huge hug and said, “Of course!”
Jin looked in horror at his grandfather and Kazuya ran over to Jin, grabbed his head and pulled him along, “c’mon! JinJin play with Kazu and KiraKira too!”
And Jin could not say anything when Kazuya’s eyes turned to him and gave him a happy, pleading look.
“…you know, I think you’ve just shattered all the trust Jin has in you by saying yes”
“He’s just being jealous” Yamapi said cheerfully, waving it off.
Ryo’s eyes narrowed, “You’re being very happy…what’s going on?”
“Doesn’t that Akira kid remind you of me? He even has the name of the character I played in the drama with Kame! His personality reminds me a lot of that character too! Always clinging to Shuji-kun…I
“….and your point - oh…OH…WHAT THE HELL PI?!”
“What?” Pi asked defensively, crossing his arms, “It’s not like I love you any less”
“You’re trying to live through a three year old kid!” Ryo accused, “What kinda of sicko are you?”
“I am not…I am merely encouraging the relationships between chibi me and Kazu-chan who is named after Kame. It’s perfectly normal”
“Yeah, but not if you had once liked Kame” Ryo deadpanned.
“Ha, you’re just jealous; if I remember right, you had a thing for Kame once too…I distinctly remember an incident concerning chocolates, your guitar and -” he was cut off when Ryo let out a low growl in his throat.
“YOU PROMISED TO NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT!” Ryo shouted as he ran after Pi.
Meanwhile Jin was sulking in a corner of the car, waiting for Ri-Ri to stop trying to kill Pi-Pi so that they could go home…him, Kazuya and…he glared, Akira. He watched as the other little boy who got to spend more time with Kazuya at the daycare giggled with Kazuya as he handed Kazuya a little flower he had picked up off the ground. Kazuya tucked the flower into his hair and turned to look at Jin, “Look JinJin!! KiraKira gave Kazu flower! Pretty Kazu?”
Jin was torn between feeling angry at Akira and the fact that Kazu had a flower in his hair.
“Very pretty” he finally agreed, reaching over and hugging Kazuya, “Pretty Kazu all mine!” he said happily, pulling him away from Akira.
Akira pouted and frowned at Jin, “Kazu, KiraKira have more flowers!” he said pulling out more flowers from his pocket.
“Pretty!!!” Kazuya said happily, leaning over to see the pretty flowers.
Jin pouted.
As Pi ran into the car screaming in fear, “DON’T KILL ME RYO; YOU LOVE ME REMEMBER?”
Ryo got calmly into the driver’s seat, “…I love you enough to give you no sex for a long time” he said with a wicked grin.
Pi stared.
Jin ignored them. They were always talking about things Jin was too young to understand; and whenever Jin tried to understand, Jin was sent to play while Ri-Ri and Pi-Pi got silly and started screaming and chasing each other around the house, yelling that it was the other’s fault.
More importantly.
Jin frowned as he looked out the window.
He had to get Kazuya’s attention back, and away from Akira.
Jin suddenly brightened, as he saw something out the window.
“GOT IT” he yelled happily and he unbuckled his seatbelt and without thinking, ran out of the car.
“…we have really gotta teach him not to run out of the car like that…what if we were actually moving?” Pi commented as Ryo finished parking the car in the driveway.
Jin skipped happily back into the house after going to a park not too far away from their house, in the neighbourhood and he smiled brightly when he spotted Kazuya in the playroom but his smile dropped just a little when he saw Akira there too. He then brightened again as he skipped over to Kazuya, “KAZU-CHAN KAZU-CHAN KAZU-CHAN!!!” he yelled happily.
Kazuya looked up from his blocks and blinked, “JinJin muddy” he said, pointing.
“BakaJin very muddy” Akira agreed.
Jin decided to ignore Akira.
And by ignore, he meant step in Akira’s foot on his way over to Kazuya and then ignore Akira’s yelp of pain.
“Look Kazu!!! I got you..A FROGGIE!!!” Jin yelled, showing Kazuya the frog that had taken him hours to find and capture. The frog gave a ‘ribbit’ and then hopped from Jin’s hands onto Kazuya’s waiting hands. Kazuya stared at it with a dumbfounded look that grew into a delighted, curious one, “FROGGIE!!!” he beamed.
“Froggie!!” Jin agreed happily.
Kazuya beamed as he held the frog in his little baby hands and reached up and kissed Jin on the cheek, “Love you JinJIn!” he said happily, beaming.
Jin beamed back as he looked behind Kazuya at Akira for a long moment.
And he made a victory sign at Akira who frowned and pouted.
Jin had won…
For now…
Unfortunately, the next day at school, Akira showed up with a bigger frog.
“FROGGIE! BIG FROGGIE” Kazuya said, eyes wide, looking at the frog that Akira was presenting him, a huge grin on his face as he looked at Akira who was wearing his school uniform and holding out the frog in his small hands.
“For Kazu?” Kazuya asked in a hushed whisper.
Akira nodded, “For Kazu!”
“Yayyy!!!” Kazu shouted happily, taking the frog and giving Akira a little kiss on the cheek too, “Kazu love KiraKira!”
Akira gave Kazuya a goofy little grin.
Jin fumed, and glared at Akira.
“Jin, stop yelling in the classroom!” the teacher scolded, “Use your indoor voice”
“Indoor voice” Akira mimicked the teacher.
Jin looked at Akira and then he stormed off, ignoring the yelps of pain of the other children he kicked on his way to the corner. And he sat in that corner of the daycare, sulking again.
Jin had a new plan.
He would definitely win Kazu-chan’s heart again, away from stupid stupid STUPID Akira!
Jin giggled as he walked into the room where he had left Kazuya and Akira; today, Tat-Tat had picked them up and Jin knew that this was the perfect plan.
He had found the costume he had used one time when he had been a froggie. A huge froggie.
And no one would ever find a froggie as big as Jin, so that meant, he was SURE to win Kazu-chan’s heart!
Jin giggled as he walked into the playroom and walking up behind Kazuya, he poked the baby in the shoulder, “KAZU-CHAN; I AM FROGGIEJINJIN!! IF YOU KISS ME, I WILL TURN INTO JINJIN. LOVE ME KAZU-CHAN?” he asked with a bright smile.
Kazu-chan’s eyes were wide.
Jin beamed.
Akira’s eyes were wide.
Then suddenly, Kazu-chan spurred into action and with wide eyes, he grabbed Akira’s hand and ran out of the room, “TAT-TATTTTTT!!! TAT-TATTTTT!!! TAT-TATTTTTTTTTT!!! MONSTER!!! TAT-TAT!!!!! TAT-TAT!!!!”
Jin blinked, confused and sat down on the ground.
It was that scene that Tatsuya walked into, armed with a pair of chopsticks that Akira had shoved into his hands to fight the monster with, and he blinked.
“Jin…why are you dressed as a tree?”
Jin stared and then shook his head in what he obviously thought was a wise manner, “Tat-Tat silly! JinJin is a frog, not a tree!” he said with a laugh, “Froggie, Tat-Tat!”
“…Jin, I know that both trees and frogs are green….or brown” he added as an afterthought, “But….frogs don’t have fifteen limbs going up like that….”
Jin promptly went to his corner of Tat-Tat’s playroom and sulked, still wearing the frog…tree…thing…costume.