i'm just doin' my thing in the backround

Jun 11, 2004 01:48

Being a girl has it's ups and downs. as does the bueaty each one posesses *sp?* I've come realize that being a pretty girl has more of it's pros than cons, but the cons REALLY suck.

I Burp, better than any guy i know. yet if u were to see me, you wouldn't expect it. well, it's not "ladilike" to burp, it's "discusting" says my father --

boobs are cool most of the time, except when you find 50 year old men staring and licking their lips, thats what i call discusting.

the dirty looks from ugly women isnt fun, i didnt do anything to anybody, its not my fault i look like this.

people automatically assume pretty girls are dumb as blondes. (no offense) boy are they mistaken.

apparently it's not "kosher" so sit on the counch in underwear and eat all day , it's not like it's doing any harm, i weigh a mere 110.

girls seem to be scared of bugs, i'm not scared but i'll scream damn loud if they land on me.

being pretty has its perks as well:

you can usually get out of any kind of ticket
if u mess up real bad over and over again at work, and u cry to ur boss saying "i was just trying so hard" always saves ur lazy ass

if ur short a buck at the register u can usually find someone to lend you a dollar.

cute boys - need i say more? : D

drunk kids will always give u beers or whatever (ONLY TO GET U INTOXICATED AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU, but luckily i know my own limit)

i tried to find "friends" on live journal .... 2 years ago i had cooool friends, now i go on random and find a buncha random people. i wanna find somebody reallllllly cool, so i could add them to my friend's page : )

p.s. my only friend's birthday is tomorrow, wish him a happy one.

enought jibber jabber for now damnit. i'm all sore from walking thoes 13 miles yesturday. oh yea


do not walk 13 miles in 90 degree weather - no matter what your walking for.
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