
Mar 09, 2008 22:21

So...if, hypothetically speaking, I were to write a Heroes retelling of Zoolander a la the Mohinder Suresh Affair or Mean Effeminate Heroes, who would I cast in each role? Part of the whole appeal is Mohinder saying "Have you ever wondered if there's more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking?" though I'll cede that maybe he's too smart to play Derek. So would he make a good Christine Taylor? Or Hansel? Or should I just make him Derek, anyway? I think that Peter should be one of the models, too (he'd make a good Hansel, wouldn't he?). Or Sylar. Or should Sylar be Mogatu? Or should Angela be Mogatu? Or Bob? Could I reasonably put Matt in Christine Taylor's role? Would it be in poor taste to name Derek's model friends who die in the gas fight Isaac, D.L., Zane, and Eden?

Sigh. This is a very difficult question in my life right now. Granted, I don't have the means to do this until I get back to the States in May, but it would be hiiiilarious, wouldn't it?

The only thing that's clear to me is that Bennet is obviously David Duchovny.

Edited to add: I just found a free stream of Zoolander online. This might be my new smoking-the-good-crack procrastination project. Zoohinder? Mattilda? Hanselle? We're on.
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