Things kids ask

Apr 24, 2009 08:47

Last night my son caught an ep of King of the Hill.  Tame enough, and lacking the pratfall sort of humor I find so off-putting in The Simpsons.

This morning my son said "Mom, I don't understand something about KotH.  Why does Dale's kid look like John Redcorn?"


Well, Dale is a pasty dolt who can't see past the end of his nose and his wife is a horntoad who knows a good thing when she sees it.

No, I didn't really say that.

Instead we had a pre-coffee discussion about how sometimes married/partnered people decide to have sex with somebody who isn't their partner, and the ramifications thereof.

And of course we also talked about how Dale Gribble *is* a pasty dolt without a clue but he has good friends who are trying to protect his feelings by pretending Joseph is in fact Dale's kid.

And that this is something he perhaps might not share with his cronies at school - not because there's anything wrong with the information but because some of their parents might not appreciate hearing about it...
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