Fun stuff

Aug 09, 2005 11:56

Well it has been super busy so I haven’t had puter time. I left Friday morning and returned real real late Sunday. Oh but ware was it that I went to for so long???

I “worked” (not auchuly work) at the Washington state Renaissance Faire! I am working in security and I had a BLAST! I have a mix of work and play. I do 2 “shifts” helping security and the rest of the time is mine.

My friend is head of uniformed security at the faire and coned me into going. I was nutty scared and feared the worst. But you know what? SHE WAS RIGHT it was grand fun and I only freaked once and cried one other time. That may be an event record for me!

The anxiety attack happened after a pit bull got loose and ran into our camp and tried to attack the dogs. I was fine till the after crisis was over and I lost it a wee bit but it was ok. The second incident was the real embarrassing one. I was in the Ale house late that night and I can’t remember what started the conversation but I ended up telling my friend how stressed I was about my “home life” and cried. Sweet huh, I cried at a renaissance bar uggg how embarrassing!!! Thank god the only light was candlelight so no one could really see.

This week I slept in my new van and most likely next week I’ll be sleeping in my new camping hammock. I may or may not bring my baby pack goat in training to the faire. He could really use the exposure because next year I want to have him pulling a cart there. He can just sleep below my hammock at night and can mostly just chill with me during the day.

Anyways the faire has been great fun and I auchuly enjoyed myself a lot and regret not doing it sooner. I chickened out every year. Glad my friend helped get me into the faire very smoothly. I have 2 more weekends of doing the faire, hope the fun holds up!
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