hp_bb - likes and dislikes

Mar 08, 2006 23:19

hp_bb was really entertaining tonight.

OMG, dung? He's far too hilarious. I especially loved when Blaise, Draco and Dung were having their conversation. Then Dung calling Draco "madarme" just killed me.

I also loved big brother chastising Bella for using magic. She was so classically done there, very patronizing and snobby. The quoting the definition of champagne by bb? Hi-frikken-larious.

I also loved Drunk!Snape. The dissertation as to the structural integrity of the wall? *ded*

Dung's userpics? frikken hilarious as well, especially the bearded one.

Blaise's userpics? smoking hot. I can't quite decide if I want to toss over Edgar Ramirez for this dude. Hmmm, maybe I'll compromise and say both, please.

Draco's default userpic? awesome as well.

I really loved how Draco tried to move into the main room. That made me laugh.

What's up with Bella and Lucius being all buddy buddy?

Snape's little aside with Dung was really well played as well.

All the IC comments. Everyone seems to have a good grasp on their characters. I'm loving how each of them are playing their characters.

Luna's PB? awesome

Rant - I was looking in the watcher journal and it kind of amazed me people aren't giving an open mind to the pairings, especially considering that gameplay has just started. One thing that really struck me was the series about how "Blaise can't be with Harry because Draco has to be with Harry". Honestly, that kind of pisses me off and here's why - it is up to the PLAYERS not the watchers to decide the pairings. Let the game unfold how it will. If Dung ends up having a threesome with Snape and Bella, then that is what the players decided.

I don't need Harry and Draco to be together in this RPG. Why? Because that's not my determination and it wasn't a pre-set conclusion. I didn't go into watching this because it was pre-determined to be a H/D RPG. Instead, I went into it assuming that some or none were going to pair up.

I'm just going to sit back and watch the play unfold. If the pairing ends up Harry/Blaise or Harry/Snape/Bella/Lucius/Mophandle then that's the way it ends up. I'll be entertained irregardless.

Besides, at this point, Draco is really the only one that is out there as gay. Harry could determine himself to be straight. After all, in one comment somewhere in there (I think the showdown with Draco and Blaise and Dung) he even "thinks" that he hasn't decided if he is one or the other or both. Blaise is flirting with anyone and everyone. It doesn't mean that he is going to hook up with ANYONE. Hell, he was flirting with Bella there for a bit or at least that's how I read it.

I just hate when people are so fixated on their OTP that they make snap judgements 24 hours into something. Hell, I'm a H/D shipper OTP'er to the core. That doesn't mean that I can force people into doing what I want.

I can totally see the players changing their intentions because of the comments on the watcher's journal. I can see Blaise going - well maybe I shouldn't flirt with Harry anymore because otherwise all those H/D people will boot me so Harry and Draco can be together. I can also totally see Draco changing his mind so that the Snarry people don't boot him for hooking with Harry so that Snape has a chance with Harry instead. Sure, I'm quite sure that people are going to protest and say, no I won't vote because of that reasoning but it'll still be there in the backs of the minds when the voting occurs.


Dislike - Harry's lipstick userpic scares me for some reason. It's so effeminate and just weird. I don't like the colors in it.

Dislike - I don't like Blaise's journal colors. You can't see the "comments" stuff, that blue is lost against the white.

Dislike - The different faces for Seamus. I don't like anyone in an RPG that has different people in every icon. I like being able to see the same person in various poses or whatever so I can look at a glance and recognize the character in the thread by the userpic.

Finally - jehnt pointed this out to me...Your Crack for the Evening. Look at the third one down. *dies*

crack, rant

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