(no subject)

Jan 07, 2013 13:03

2013 has sort of sucked so far. I rang in the New Year with Cisco having a major seizure. He had about 12 hours of testing and finally received his final diagnosis this morning. He's in the middle of kidney/liver failure due to a combination of Valley Fever and doggie Parkinson's. They're not certain if valley fever brought on the Parkinson's like symptoms so they're treating that first. He has to go in for 48 hours of IV fluids tomorrow.

Only catch is that I'm currently in Phoenix at a hospital where my mother is in the cardio-thoracic ICU. She went in for surgery last Friday, had a lung collapse and a bunch of complications during her surgery. She was in the regular ICU for 2 days and now she's in the cardio-thoracic one, instead. She has a series of bracelets on her arm with a variety of designations (fall risk, difficult airway, allergies, etc). No one will tell us how long she'll be here.

It's a good thing that I can work from home and already had FMLA approved, as well. She was supposed to be released yesterday and now she's here through at least Friday.

I'm driving 2.5 hours down to Tucson tomorrow to pick up my dog, take him to the doggie hospital, check him in and then driving back up here to Phoenix to visit mum in the human hospital. Thankfully, my sister can pick Cisco up on Thursday. I'm staying at my brother's and he's too cheap to turn the heat on so last night, the room got down to 58 degrees while I was sleeping. FIFTY EIGHT. I'm tempted to buy an electric blanket.

Add in that today is my mother's birthday and her big "gift" is that they removed a couple of tubes and it's not a good birthday for her. Plus, stress and strain of Cisco being so ill. I realize, mentally, that he's 16.5 and that's getting up there in years for a dog but I'm not ready for him to go yet. So I'm going to keep treating this stuff with him. I just wish it was one or the other. Both at the same time is overwhelming.

dogs, personal, family

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