Game of Thrones and a Rec

Jun 14, 2012 17:17

I started watching Game of Thrones. I blame xylodemon. I'm through all of Season 1 and have watched the first few episodes of Season 2.I'm enjoying the show though IDK if I care for any of these characters. They're all rather self-obsessed and barely think two steps ahead. I like the show and I think the actors do a great job portraying their characters but I think I'd hate the books. I do like the Wildling chick hanging out with Bran.

Awhile back, I bid on a fic for Fandom Helps on Dreamwidth. And oh man. Srsly. Holy shit. This fic that I got. I am literally aflail with its awesomeness. It's got angst and great character introspection and meaning and intimate discussions and just so much goodness in it. HOLY CRAPOLA SRSLY. If you like Dragon Age 2 at all, or if you're even sort of intrigued by it and you know who the characters are, you absolutely need to check this fic out and leave the author some love. The Blade by silverr is a Hawke/Fenris fic with the Hawke of indeterminate gender. She's also got some great thinky thoughts here that really intrigued me, too.

Go forth and check this fic out. Please. It'll be worth your time and effort, I promise.

fests, fic pimping, fangirlish squeeing, squee, fandom love, recs, the one time i watch a tv show, dragonage

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