Dear Not Primetime Player,
Hi! Sorry I'm so failtacular at getting this letter put together what with not having it listed in my sign up and all.
So a little about what I like and what I'd really like to see along with a bit of what I don't like.
So I love kissing. Lots and lots of kissing. I also love banter, flirtations, friends into lovers, tattoos, tattoo licking, tattoo kissing and kissing. did I mention the tattoos and the kissing? I can never seem to remember them even though they're my favorite kinks.
I really hate sci-fi babble with like clones and overly techno-bullshit. Romance is good. Fluff isn't necessary and, in fact, sometimes annoys the fuck out of me. Same with schmoop. I like my romance with quite a bit of angst. In some of my requests, if you kill off the characters, I'm actually quite all right with that.
Banter and snark and wittiness and sarcasm are all happiness, as far as I'm concerned. I think you can probably figure that out from the various fandoms/requests I made but, just in case, they're all good.
I like happy/hopeful endings but I don't need them.
I'm not good with the traditional squicks and a few others like like non-con, watersports, bloodplay, knifeplay, gunplay, etc etc etc. If you want to try something out, please contact
elanorofcastile to see if it's something I won't loathe. I have really strong feelings on kink.
The only thing I respectfully request is absolutely no genderbending. I want m/m slash, if you are willing. Otherwise, friendship between two dudes or whatever. It's a really rare occurrence that I like a genderbending fic.
Mass Effect So, um, I'm not certain if you've read my fic or not (and that's not necessary). I like the Destroy ending. I loathe Synthesis and Control. In fact, words cannot express my amount of disdain and hatred of Synthesis and Control. I'm a fan of the Indoctrination Theory but I know it has its holes and, honestly, I don't see the current set of writers being smart enough for that. I think it's a happy little accident that I'm willing to go along with. It's not vitally necessary, though.
However, you can make a good argument, regardless of IT, that the Starkid is a lying Liar McLiarton so I'd love to see how Shepard reacts to being told that the stupid kid lied to him and he still has to fight Harbinger or whatever. And, barring that, I'd love to see post-ending, post-battle where Shepard and Kaidan head off to look for Kaidan's mum and dad or whatever. Also, if you could keep Shepard's name as "John", if you absolutely have to use his first name, I'd appreciate it.
I normally prefer Paragon!Shepard over Renegade!Shepard.
Dragon Age So. Oh Dragon Age. This game makes me beyond happy and I'm certain I'm one of like the two people that enjoyed teh fuck out of this game. I adored 99% of it. I love how Anders evolved from the lighthearted and irreverant mage in Dragon Age: Awakenings to be this serious dude who thinks about things and writes manifestos and is wackadoo but also right, at times, and heartbreaking and lovely. I love the Anders at the beginning fo the game, the one with the witty lines and the more lighthearted craziness but I love the Anders at the end of the game who realizes what he did was fucking WRONG (the whole "what if I had been in there" lines and such) and is willing to die to atone/reinforce/whatever (all depending on your path, of course).
I also love Fenris, though, with his craziness about mages and how he's willing to make an exception for a mage!Hawke. I love how he has this begrudging almost-friendship with Anders until the Chantry blow-up.
I always play a mage!Hawke but that's not necessary. Make him whatever you'd like. I like the more sarcastic!Hawke than dickish!Hawke or evil!Hawke. I also love Aveline and Varric and Merrill. I sort of dislike Sebastian rather a lot but he can be in there, too.
Hawaii Five-0 What, another sarcastic pairing? Say it ain't so! I love Danno and Steve's banter in the car. I love that they're so fucking close to one another. I just love these two. A lot. An embarrassing a lot.
Star Trek 2009 Oh McCoy, you lovely lovely man. Anything that has McCoy at the end of his rope and ready to either strangle or kiss Kirk and I'll love you forever and ever. I love cliche fic in this fandom. Like, accidental bonding? Yes, please. Accidental marriage? Yup. Space sex pollen? Hell yes. Pretend marriage? I'm there. Any cliche that makes me laugh and cheer will win me over for you forever and ever. I'm also down with fun AUs.
I hope you're not staring at this going "omg, what a demanding bitch". I'm really sorry, if you are. I like to give way too much information rather than getting a 9 word sign up for you to try to figure things out. <3 I can't wait to see what you come up with.