
Nov 29, 2009 22:33

Hi, my name is wook77 and this is my journal. I know it's been so long since I posted anything of any sort of value but, um, *waves*.

I just completed a 90 hour work week last week (and, yes, that's including Thanksgiving when I had to work for quite a few). I also worked about 80 the week before that (oh and I worked 13 days in a row) I'm absolutely knackered.

This week is my recovery week before shit starts moving again. Oh, retail. I figured out that I can go down to fewer hours in May if I stick to my budget. So, here's hoping.

I've got the first bits of the Kirk/McCoy Bakery AU fic almost ready to post. You know me, multiple betas and all that so I've sort of enlisted another set of eyes to make sure there are no subtle awfulnessessess in there. And elanorofcastile has written some awesome bits. I just need to get my ass in gear so you guys can enjoy her work.

Um, oh. And so yesterday, I got off of work at 430 pm (after lifting almost 600 lbs of dishes over the course of 30 minutes - 15 sets of dishes that were 20 lbs each, which killed my back). Came home and I mainlined Assassin's Creed II. I've now won the bloody fucker. w00t! I BEAT IT! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA I RULE! And, ok, maybe I didn't get any sleep at all. And maybe I'm freaking tired as fuck from that. BUT OMG I BEAT THE GAME! I BEAT IT! I BEAT IT I BEAT IT! THE GAME IS MY BITCH!

I haven't really checked my flist in about 2 weeks. I've gone to skip500 but did I miss anything? I beat Assassin's Creed II!

My friend, J, came over for Thanksgiving. We had a brilliant time. It was so utterly enjoyable to not worry about my nephews pitching fits or ruining food or throwing juice or my brother and his family yelling at my dogs. It rocked so hardcore, even if I did burn a pie. I beat Assassin's Creed II!

Main job is awesome again. My new employee freaking RULES. OMG, she gets shit done liekwhoa! I <3 her sooooo much! Plus - she bakes. There are always fresh cupcakes and pumpkin rolls and cake and pie and stuff in the office all the time. I'm probably gaining a billion pounds but, dude, omnomnom! I beat Assassin's Creed II!

So what's going on with you guys? Catch me up!

I beat Assassin's Creed II!

random, personal, work

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