
Nov 18, 2009 23:23

I had one crazykakes old man come in tonight to Fry's. And I lost my temper at him. And he complained to management about me.

See, the conversation started out normal. As with most of the older folks in my area, they always ask what a nice, college educated young woman like me is doing working at a grocery store. So I told this guy the same as I always tell people, I'm working to pay off a mortgage and bills but I'm starting back to school to be a lawyer. Well, oops on that part because he launches into a diatribe about how I shouldn't go into criminal law because it's all "browns and blacks" down here but do you know who makes the best lawyers? The Jews cause they're all liars and you have to be a good liar to be a good lawyer. And did you know that the reason we invaded Iraq the first time around was because the Jews that control the world wanted us to? And, by the way, Irish don't make good lawyers cause they're all drunk and lazy and the Germans don't make good lawyers cause the Germans are all clueless. And the Italians are all corrupt and part of the mafia so don't go to an Italian doctor or lawyer. And he can tell me this stuff because I look intelligent, that I'll understand and listen and not just laugh it off because the Jewish conspiracy is true.

So I tried to be polite and I said, "No, sir, I don't think I look intelligent to you. I think I look white and non-Jewish to you. I find your language, terminology and position to be very racist and bigoted. I don't believe that there's some vast Jewish conspiracy, either, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't say that again." Professional, right? I tried to be nice.

Well, then he launched into a bunch of "proof" about the vast Jewish conspiracy and about how the Jews led to 9/11 and took over GWB's head and how they're the reason that the economy tanked and how they're raking in millions by rooking hardworking citizens and blahblahblah I can't even remember all the crazy because there was so much. So that's when I snapped at him and babbled something about how the Jewish conspiracy is the same as the gay agenda and that's 1.) Be treated like a human, 2.) Not have to put up with bigoted fucks like you and 3.) buy milk. He objected to the "bigoted fucks" part which I really shouldn't have said but I just absolutely snapped. So he went to management and I hope I don't get written up for it because, seriously, that shit is CRAZY AND WRONG. I'm sorry I called him a "fuck" but I'm not sorry about calling him on his bigotry.

I honestly had no idea that people actually believed that the Jews were trying to take over the world and stuff. I really honestly thought that was just in the movies and on tv that people thought that. Seriously? In today's world people still believe that stuff? Obviously they do but I'd like to go back to thinking that people aren't that fucked.

So, obviously calling him a bigoted fuck wasn't the most professional response. I know I have to come up with a "what will I do in the future if this occurs again" response for my conference tomorrow about the customer complaint but I'm stuck on YOU'RE A BIGOTED FUCK and, thus, what would you guys do? How do you react to that sort of shit at work, in the middle of a grocery store, with multiple customers (of the various identities he's spouting shit about) walking past as some crazy 80-something year old man spouts off with a metric shittonne of bigoted bullshit directed towards everyone? Because, far as I'm concerned, this dick deserves to fuck right the fuck off. But I'd rather not lose my job over this and, maybe, react in a more positive less enraged way.

only to me, wtf?, personal, omgwtf?!, rant, work

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