A hodgepodge catch-up post

Nov 15, 2009 02:45

Couldn't post last night due to lack of strike :D.

It was really nice that a bunch of a customers came in last night and asked about me. A few of them were ones that really surprised me including a couple of customers that had been hardasses to deal with. There's this lady that comes in with her Yorkies (yeah, I don't get how that works in a grocery store, either) and she only deals with me for anything whether it's general merchandise (my area) or grocery (definitely not my area). She'd tried to buy a sofa and got fucked over by a few people and I helped her out. So, now, I'm it. She always tries to tip me but I ask her to donated it to my main job instead. So far, that's gotten my main job about 50 bucks which isn't that bad at 5 bucks here and 5 bucks there!

It was really really nice that these people were worried about me. Makes me feel like maybe the job isn't just lifting shit and cleaning up after assholes who can't be bothered to put shit back on the shelf where they got it.

Today was spent doing displays. Oh Crayola, how I hate you, sometimes, with your tempting colors and new products and fun glow-y dome thingies. You are ever so tempting and shiny.

I'm scrambling like mad to write my happy_trekmas fic. I've started multiple versions but this latest one seems to be the one that I'm going with.

I've had a low-grade headache for days. It flared today so I think it's mostly weather-related as we went from the high 80s/mid-90s to like, 65 on Saturday and maybe 68 on Sunday. It's also sort of stress-related, as well, like my body didn't know how tense it was until *BAM* reason for tension went away.

I got to skip600 and have about a hundred tabs open so if you get random comments on older posts, that would be why.

Dear Author reviewed Latter Days and it reminded me that I need to buy it. Instead of buying it (gotta wait for pay day as my movie money is being taken up by a little known movie known as "star trek", you prolly haven't heard of it), I streamed it tonight. I still love it.

What LGBT movies do you love? I'd recommend the following: Shelter, Brokeback Mountain, Yossi & Jagger, and Latter Days. Gimme more movies (not tv. I watch most of it on youtube) that you would recommend to me. Happy endings preferred. I can only take so many gay men dying before I get bitter about the kill-or-cure.

rambling, random, movies, personal, work

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