Dear Yuletide Author Letter

Nov 14, 2009 23:27

Dear Yuletide Author,

Let me be the first to offer you commiseration and pity for having drawn me to write for. I can come off as a picky bitch. It's not completely true. I'm just fairly blunt and emphatic. I'm going to seem crazyhard to write for and I promise you, I'm not that bad.

Some things for all the requests:

1.) I don't need smut. It's seriously not necessary. Buddy!fic is AWESOME. Smut is too but whatever direction your fic takes, I'll be happy.
2.) I have some surefire kinks: kissing. well-done banter. canon characterizations. boys being boys. tattoos. tattoo licking. kissing.
3.) I have some surefire squicks: rimming. felching. traditional squicks (ie, scat, necro, watersports, etc). Also, clones, baby oil, the words "dripping folds", graphic descriptions of body liquids (he shot great jets of...), boys acting like chicks with dicks, the spelling "cum". inaccurate religious depictions.(please don't ask me to explain some of these. The more random ones came out of nowhere.)
4.) I like canon. A lot. There's a reason I requested the things that I did and that's because I like the canon. I love, adore and need canon characterizations. Have I mentioned I like canon? If you feel the need to go AU (and I do enjoy those!), then please keep the canon characterizations. You'll notice that most if not all of my pairings are adversarial and/or have quite a bit of tension between them though they could also be defined as friends. Please keep that if you don't keep anything else.

Now on to fandom ramblings and things.

For The Departed - I really like asshole!dignam and asshole and lost!costigan. I also like Bryce Dignam, not Sean Dignam (in fact, I loathe Sean as his first name for some reason). I like gruff Dignam. You can see that he cares, of course he cares or he wouldn't have tossed away his badge like he did and he sure as shit wouldn't have killed Sullivan if he hadn't cared. Rough caring is made of win and happiness Dignam finding out about the drug use? Oh god, the way that he'd nurse Costigan back to health would be so freaking rough). Fights, getting shoved against a wall, biting - it's all good. Just no non-con or even dub-con. If you have to write sex (and it's really not necessary for any of my requests), rough!I-want-you!sex is good.

I don't mind diverging from canon as far as the ending, if that's the way that your story goes. If you want to take this AU and have Billy live, I'd prefer a HFN (happy for now) ending rather than a HEA (happily ever after). For these two, there's no way that they can be happy ever after. If you want to put them into other roles, that's cool too.

For Boondock Saints - Let me preface this with what I don't like. I don't like Il Duce and I don't like Rocco. Both characters annoy me so if you could work something out to keep them AWOL or barely mentioned, that would be awesome. I know that we're getting lots of new stuff from the new movie but take or leave that as you will. It's not out near me and I'm stuck with not seeing it until someone does a cam!version of it. So, if you incorporate details, I'm cool with that. I'm good with spoilers.

I like post-movie as that gives the boys the ability to travel and as I like travelling, that's a very very good thing for me. Road trips are love. Killing drugrunners or mobsters or whatever are also all love.

The part of the relationship that these two have that appeals to me so much is that they are so ultimately devoted to one another and yet they're willing to bicker like little boys.

If you choose to use Catholic imagery, please please please make sure that it's accurate. I'm a former nun initiate and it drives me barmy to have un-Catholic things in such a Catholic surrounding (why yes, that includes wearing the Rosaries as the boys do).

I also love languages for these two. You don't need the smut here, I'll take best friends as well as brothers. I would love the pair of them smarting off in a variety of other languages to someone.

For Green Street Hooligans - well, first, I know that we probably didn't match with this fandom. I'm one of the very few that requested this. That being said, if you decide to take this on, remember that my theory is - if you didn't see the body, you can't assume they're dead. I know, I know, I said I liked canon and I do. But in this case, you can play with the canon and Pete isn't dead because you didn't see the body. However, if you want to write something DURING the movie, I'm a huge fan of that, as well.

These two have a similar relationship that Dignam/Costigan have, to me. Buckner is more like Costigan and Pete is like Dignam. I like angry confrontations. I like cursing with both these pairings.

Hell, I like cursing in all the pairings.

For Brent Weeks-Night Angel - I know, sure as the sky is blue, we didn't match on this one. As of about a minute ago, I was the only one that requested this with no offers to write it. That being said, I definitely urge you to go out and read this series as omg, so good! And then, if you like it and feel like writing it, I will love and worship you forever and ever amen.

Durzo Blint is one of my favorite fictional characters ever. He is so fallible and deep and well-developed. There's so much history and he's just about brilliant. Let me rhapsodize some more :P.

I'd love to see something where these two deepen the teacher/student bond. They're together for so long, they teach each other so much and, well, it'd be interesting to see a deepening bond if just because of Kylar's history with homosexuality and the way that he was raised and what happened to his friend.

By now, you're probably boggling at me and thinking, "oh god, why me?! How the hell did I end up with Queen Bitch for my assignment? There is no way I can please her!"

To which I say, you will please me. I'm quite certain I'm going to love what you come up with. Write for you and then for me. Just don't have my squicks in there and I'm sure to be pleased. The above are just guidelines and some of my musings and ramblings of what I like and don't like about each of my requested fandoms.

I'm grateful that you're contemplating what to write and that you're expanding the fan offerings for one of the above fandoms. Each of them deserve love and attention.

Looking forward to what you come up with and ♥,


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