
Sep 28, 2005 18:10

okay okay okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.. so yeah school sucks my invisible monkey's herpe and AIDS infested balls. that is the best way to describe it all. but the truth is, that school is freakin awesome. the work is what really sucks my invisible monkey's herpe and AIDS infested monkey balls. i have been getting so much work this year, that it is ridiculous. i mena i can't even explain how much work that i am actually getting. i don't have time to finish it at night. and OH and i am failing Algebra II.! how is that possible. I LOVE MATH! " I LOVE MATH"... it even says it in my MYSPACE about me section . "I LOVE MATH" but nooooo i have to go and fail 2 testes. I blame it all on Tom Ales. My failure in math is caused by him. and latin. latin sucks too. it gets to be way to confusing, even though it is a really easy language, with italian and all. i start speaking in italian in the middle of latin class. im just like oh snappppp. but italian is awesome. awesome. ITALIAN III ROCKS! it's just like BAM! and like WOOO!. it's great. Bio class is all right. it's ALOT better than chem. THAT IS FOR SURE. i failed chem. well i didnt exactly fail. my lowest grade was a D+ and my highest was a C. But it still isn't something to be proud of. at all. And i have Mrs. Gibson this year for bio, and i had her freshman year, and she liked me so it is all gooood. English, i love it. The Great Gatsby is all right, i can't decide if i like it yet.
So people this year are so great. okay. I LOVE MY FRIENDS. i see them all and i am happy to jave them. okay so today was pretty cool. it was awesome. everyday is awesome.

OH i love getting up in the morning and going to school. i am alot happier now when i wake up. i wake up no problem..

OH MY GOSH. i think i have poison ivy for the first time in my life right now. i am really hoping they are bug bites and not poison ivy. because if they are i am going to be so upset. i have never gotten poison ivy before

oh gosh. i just fell 10minutes ago. i  slipped infront of my front door. on the rug, that is on the tile in front of my front door. i was running to my room, becuase my nephew was taking a nap in my room, and i heard him crying and i didnt know that there was someone in the room with him so im running andi go to turn the corner and i slip on mthe rug. my whole left side hurts. my knee is going to be bruised, my elbow my neck and my collar bone all hurt. i wanted to cry, but i couldn't. my knee hurts sooo much right now.

i really hope i dont have poison ivy though..
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