Apr 25, 2007 22:50
Sometimes I get poetic. An American dilemma of where do we go from here?
Wondering over and over the 5 W’s and an H.
And don’t we wish everything we wrote was somehow connected--- no need for conclusions introductions and transitions?
But this is a transition, I am in transition. Searching for the definition of an echo and a let go trying to get slow and just know where we go from here.
Strange reverberations of botched motivations echo from ear to ear.
And don’t we wish everything ever written was connected? (oh, but it is)
Words bouncing off purple mountain peaks & grand canyons & grand towers & city streets streaks of color of desertsforestsriverslakes2oceans (most of which I’ve never seen) make this real. One majesty of imagery doubling back like the shot of a gun.
Five doubleyous and an H are answered with a ?
But can this be real if you cant feel or steal or reel in or press your skin against the whole of a vowel and a consonant is not constant just a mess?
Poetic gets me sometimes. Just as long as a word is tangible its manageable and I’m gone.
Resurrected songs, we are all connected.