Friends From Home

Aug 22, 2012 17:45

Last Monday, i flew in - late as usual - but it was a sunny day in Philly. my bag got checked at security and this time it was the fat-boy seatbelt extender that i carry "just in case". The guy manning the scanner said "I thought that's what it was!" No matter, i had time since the flight was delayed anyway.

#photoadayaug - 13 - #simple is the night; i wish my life was as well; fat chance. i was lucky enough to have dinner with my friend Akash from STL who happened to be working in the area that week. Always nice to have a slice of home and it was good for him too since he travels more than i do.

airport, dinner, air travel, tugboat, swimming, speedo, spank, simple, de, friends, photoadayaug, phl, home, tsa

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