The Bears held a rummage sale and it was a chance for everyone to get rid of their old crap and snoop around at everyone else's crap. Plus, the fact that the Goodwill central distribution center (where they collect all the crap that gets donated and divvy it out to all the Goodwill stores in the area) was right down the street would get us a lot of drive-by traffic. i have a hard time with these things as i tend to place a lot of memories on worthless items. But i'm getting better at it. You gotta sell off some memories so you can go get some new ones.
i tried some graffiti to let folks know that we had more crap inside.
What a cute bear...i guess we can't have all of them on our side. i talked my buddy, Glen, into buying my boots. i'd only wore them once but they just never fit me. He really needed a good pair of boots and he got a great deal, too!
Something really got to Matt and kicked off his allergies because suddenly his eyes started swelling up. There was a lot of musty stuff and some of the boxes that we'd had in the garage got wet in the big flood that claimed the old van earlier this summer so there was mold in the air. So i brought him home, got him comfy and then went to vacuum out the van so he didn't have to deal with it. When i got home, i contacted SIR to see what HE was up to but HE wanted to lay low today as HIS tummy wasn't feeling that great. So the kids and i went to hang out in the backyard and i found some leftovers from Friday night's campfire in the shed, so all was good.
Matt wanted some super spicy szetchuan to break the fever he had and New China was just over the hill. Then later he sent me for some rocky road and i went up to Shop 'n' Rob and got some. But then they had a limited edition "Black Raspberry"...who could resist? i got both. After putting Matt to bed, i went over to see a couple guys i'd been wanting to meet for awhile. Fun times for all. When i got home, Matt's fever had broken and he was fine. i took the kids outback again and SIR contacted me to see if i wanted to go out. i figured i'd had a busy enough day and with the picnic the next and the fact that we'd be out most of next weekend with Mr Midwest Leather, i begged off. Probably best for HIM too if HE wasn't feeling well. So i had a couple cocktails, worked on my pictures, watched the previous night's Bill Maher and then snuggled into bed with Matt about midnight.