This Looks A Lot Like Yesterday

Feb 07, 2010 12:49

i woke up early on Saturday morning and on the way to the bathroom i checked my email. A couple of the developers in India were going to be working on our stuff and i checked to see if they had sent an update. Nothing. So i went back to bed for an hour or so and then when i came back, things were happening and they needed help. i managed to goat-rope my the cublet that i have on my team to join in a call and we worked it out and i was done by noon.

That evening, Matt actually came out to the bar for the Memphis TSARUS Leather Club's annual pre-Super Bowl club night. The whole gang was there and it was fun, but then we both decided we needed White Castles. A good balance for the night, but bad for the waistline. As if we cared.

super bowl, work, hamburgers, white castle, football

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