Indian Summer

Nov 23, 2009 04:59

In my new capacity as the lead on the Tech Team, i have to review all of the design documents generated by my team. i just don't have the time during the week, so i got up Sunday morning and started "grading papers". Matt got up and came in and played "Borderlands", his latest obsession. i took a break to make him some waffles then back to it. Later he cooked up a batch of ice cream mix so we could try out the ice cream maker we got "by accident" in the charity auction last week.

When i got my papers done and he put the mix up to cool, we decided to take the Jeep out again and enjoy the freakishly warm weather. i put on my new KBC ("Killer Bob Couture" - LOL!) hoodie and we just started driving around, enjoying the sun and taking a few pics. This spot under the Highway 40 bridge has intrigued Matt and he has been wanting to see it up close. Good thing we went together because the homeless guys we found living in an old railroad shed under there were kinda freaky - especially when they came up and wanted to engage us in conversation.

We wound up over on a hill in Dogtown across from where the Three Bears used to live. Their "shack" has been torn down to make some fancy mini-McMansions, but the lot across the street still hasn't been developed. We watched the fireworks downtown from here during the boys' 4th of July party back in 2001. It was where we kinda decided to ourselves that we wanted to be with the other. Nine days later we would make good on those urges and the rest is hysteria.

work, photography

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