Got to catch our breaths yesterday after getting in from Cactus Canyon on Monday evening, a wonderful weekend indeed with such fun poolside activities as "Pocketbear Tossing" and "Tickle the Porn Star". Spent most of the day editing pictures with more to go, do laundry and touch up our wigs. In the middle, Matt and i snuck out to see a matinee of "The Dark Knight" at the wonderful Moolah where we could hold each other close on the comfy couches though the backcushions are starting to smoosh a bit. Excellent movies - blah, blah,'ve heard it all elsewhere more elloquently (see
directorbear's definitive review
This morning i'm off to MSP to spend some time with Shannon and Luke (
plaghs &
txbearcub) and attend the MNBearBall which looks to be a fun time indeed. Lambert Field was positively barren and i had my bags checked (free...still have platinum status, though i'll probably lose it at the end of the year, so i best take advantage of it while i can) and breezed through security in nothing flat. i don't miss getting up early, though.