Work Gets In The Way

May 09, 2008 08:45

For the second time in as many visits, i had to cancel out on pauliebearsf and his hubby, Mikey, last night. Instead of getting out of the office before 7, we wound up working until 8:30. *groan* That means i wouldn't have gotten there until 9 and that's just too damn late since i still would have to get home and get some sleep before having to get up at 5:30 since we're starting so early everyday. By the time we got back to Walnut Creek, it was pushing 9 so we swung by Quiznos for a sandwich and i got some "Steven Colbert's 'Americone Dream'" at the Walgreen's next door and went back to the hotel to watch "LOST" which doesn't come on until 10pm here. Another great episode, more questions than answers, lots of fun, too damn late.
As for this weekend, it turns out we get to work this weekend!! The way it's looking right now, we'll be in tomorrow from 9-5. *sigh* i'm meet up with pauliebearsf and timmmbear and some others for daved010's birthday party in Daly City (which i guess i'd better google, eh?). i was supposed to go up and see whiskerfish and f8n_begorra in Napa on Sunday, but now Fish's boss' granny died and the fish has to swim upstream to work on Sunday, so that's falling through. *sigh* i love it when a plan comes together. i just wish one would.
That being said, i'm still going into the city this evening for Planet Big, LS and/or Chaps. i just can't stay out as late as i had hoped. Anyone want to do dinner...or risk having me have to bail on you? It's only never know anymore.

work, 366, lost

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