Furry Fun at il Fornaio

May 08, 2008 09:36

Work went fine yesterday, just long days. Same ol' thing. But last night was special. Paulie/redbackfur came by and picked me up in his Mini to discover some of the nice restaurants in downtown Walnut Creek. Quite coincidentally i was dressed appropriately since i'd worn my Mini rugby shirt. One of these days i'll have the car to go with it.

We talked about all kinds of things, but the one topic that came up, of course, was Dadbear who Paulie lived just a few blocks from all these years. While i was always His boy, Paulie knew him as a dear friend and it was wonderful to reminisce about His smile and his theatre work. Paulie's hubby, Dana, just had eye surgery yesterday and fortunately that went well, too, and we wish him a speedy recovery. Our dinner at il Fornaio was fabulous and Paulie is as every bit as sweet and cuddly as all that red fur would suggest. Thank you again for a wonderful dinner.

Sometimes i wonder if i'm obsessed with the past or if i'm just making peace with it and getting on with things. i'm supposed to meet up with Dadbear's best friend, Joe, and possibly boy joe, His partner when He died, on Friday night at either the Lone Star or Chaps (or both). It will be good to talk about the old times with them, too. i've always found the expression "seeking closure" to be hacknied and over-used, but maybe that's what i'm doing whether i choose to admit it or not. Of course, with an eye on today, Scott/sftekbear just told me that they're having a Planet Big dance on Friday night at the Stud and i've always wanted to go to one of them, too. In one era and out the other.

366, daddy, sf08

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