Before and After Work

Apr 15, 2008 09:33

...before work (do something constructive)...
They're building a new high-rise that will be completed sometime next year. You'll never get to see the side of that old theatre (the Roberts Orpheum) ever again in a few months. i don't know why i care about that, but for some reason i do.

...after work (dinner is served)...
Matt had bowling, so i stopped in to see Art on the way home. i can't leave my computer bag in the wooferJeep since it doesn't lock and i had some work to do on the JJ's website anyway, so why not do it "on-site"? To see what i did, go to the JJ's website and click on "JJ's Men" or however i wrote that and check out the new pics i took of the staff. i hope they like them.

work, 366, st louis

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