It was a nothing day. Work is actually kinda boring. You know that old Chinese wish/curse: "May you live in interesting times." Interesting, especially in my life, often means "insanely fucked up" so a little boring is good. i called my buddy, Gary, and left a message that i wouldn't be taking his TTs. No rush, though i've noticed a strange whirring coming from the other side of the firewall in the wooferJeep, so i'll have to stop by the garage later this week and see if they can give me some insight. Its not that the noise bothers me, anyone who's ridden in a Jeep will vouch for the fact that they are noisy as fuck. But the fact that this new addition to the Underhood Symphony is cause for some concern since being stranded can suck. Usually, except for a sunny afternoon with an open wireless connection when you're forced to take a little break and relax like
that day last September. *sigh* But the clouds and wind and rain moved in yesterday evening. By the time i got home from work, Matt had already gone off to Lance's for their weekly round of zombie-killing and car-crashing on the xbox. But he had left me some yummy pasta and, as usual, enough for an army of friends. That's my matter how hard he tries, he just can't make small amounts of pasta. That's a good thing, though, since its always yummy and that means plenty of leftovers. So Coco and i settled in and i finally got to write out my checks and get all the tax stuff and vehicle registration stuff mailed out along with some other bills - *sigh* - and i watched the movie, "The Fountain" which i've had on the TiVo for about a month or so. Rachel Weisz' character keeps telling Hugh Jackman to "Finish it!" and i wish someone had told Darren Aronofsky to do the same. Even at about 100 minutes, it seemed to last as long as the sweep of time covered in the movie. And is it quibbling to complain that there was not an actual 'fountain'? Later, a friend i hadn't had a chance to chat with for far too long popped up on the Yahoo. Some people you worry you lose touch with and even a short period seems like an eternity. Friends where even if you're just talking about the everyday, it's special. But i needn't worry. Friends like that you just don't lose overnight; those friends are special. Those friends are keepers. Those friends make even the "nothing days" wonderful. It was a wonderful day.