Loves Labors Lost: The Weekly Labors

Aug 03, 2007 14:32

As you know, a week's vacation can't go by without SOME sort of physical labor. OK, so it's not like i've just been sitting around all week...there's been kneeling and laying on my back involved as well! That being said, my one big chore for this week was to go over to Matt's rental property and mow the lawn. Now, before we go any further, i have to admit that this is really not a big chore. i think the whole thing took me all of 30 minutes and that included taking some dead branches out of the backyard to the yard waste dumpster in the alley and chatting with Shawn/leatherwolf1970 and his cute puppy, Hunter. Be that as it may, i want to thank Randy/redhochipe and Shawn for looking after this the whole season while i was working my stupid, crazy hours. Now i just have to do the patch work on my ditch and everything will be up to snuff.

housework, labor, chores

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