Working my Way Back To Dallas

Aug 03, 2007 08:28

After a protracted battle with my HR rep, it seems i'm returning to Dallas for a week starting Sunday 12 August. You may recall last September (probably not) when i had to fight to get down there to do some training on this system that i've been so successful working on this past year. Well, they're having an advanced course of training which is specifically geared to people like me. Of course, the LAST thing your HR rep is concerned about is YOU. We don't want to spend a couple grand training you for this...even though we'll make that back in one or two days staffing you on a project and we're paying thousands of dollars in signing bonuses to people who have these skills. What dumbshits.
So, i'll once again face those damn Mustangs. What is it with them things? And bearpawly may finally get his revenge. Heaven knows he's had to wait almost a whole year...

work, los colinas, travel

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