
Dec 14, 2005 23:20


Today was an OK day. Everyone was cool at work...nothing too demanding. Had some interesting work to do. Had a good lunch at an italian beef place and a good dinner @ Giordano's stuffed pizza. Lots of italian food today. Talked with some friends who have made me feel alot better, including pauliebear. *HUGZ*
Just feeling kinda numb. But lots of interesting banter from all of the LJ-ers out there. This thing can get a bit addictive...but don't need to tell you guys that.
i'm flying out to SF in the morning. i originally thought that the viewing wasnt until 5pm followed by a service; come to find out that the visitation ENDS at 5 for the service! So will through myself on the mercy of United to get an earlier flight. Fortunately, we didn't get the monster snow storm they were expecting, so it shouldnt be a problem.
The picture above dates back to around '98 and, as it turns out, i had just gotten back from visiting Daddy Ed. It was in the Faro-Algarve region in the south of Portugal. i was driving along and realized that i had just driven though Purgatory...naturally, a picture was demanded for posterity.
Couldn't afford to go from CHI to SF to STL and back up here to CHI in one weekend, so will stay in SF thru Sunday. i got lucky and the point i got from staying at the crappy Wingate Inn on the last project in Decatur, IL, all those months have earned me free nights at the Ramada about 2 blocks from the Lone Star (the HoJo around the corner wasn't available) so i'll probably wind up there Fri/Sat nights. If you're in the neighborhood, keep an eye out for me.
Limbo..."ask me about yesterday tomorrow"

memories can't wait, daddy, portugal, funeral

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