i've lost my Daddy

Dec 10, 2005 20:56

This morning, my Dadbear, Daddy Ed Costa, died of a sudden heart attack in San Leandro, CA, the town he grew up in, in the San Francisco East Bay. He was known online as Dadbear on ICUII, CalDadbear on bear411 and LthrBearDad on World Leathermen and other sites. He was a long time president of Bears of San Fransicsco and was responsible for several memorable IBRs.

i first met him, where else?, online. i was still living in Germany and my then boyfriend, Egon, was just getting into the new (at the time...this would have been '96) world of video chat on ICUII. i wasn't that interested (or so i thought at the time) and he would keep bugging me to come over and translate what the guys were saying since he spoke little to no english. One of these guys was Daddy Ed. WOOF!!! But Egon would get upset since i wanted to actually chat and not just waggle my dick. i quickly became fond of Him and looked forward to chatting with Him. Here was finally a Man who understood my desire for kink and with whom i could discuss ANY subject! We built up a very close online friendship and i finally got to go visit him in '98...i had never been bound before...hardly done ANYthing that could be considered kink. i was nervous and excited at the same time. The first time that i was bound on His bed, i remember thinking that i have no control and no one knew where i was. i loved it.

i would return to visit Him at least annually after that...if not more often. When i got out of the Army back in 2001, i went out to visit Him. i was only supposed to stay for a week...but, since i still had my income and not a great rush to go anywhere since school didn't start for a couple months, i asked Him if i could stay longer; i wound up staying over 3 weeks, nearly a month. If He had asked me to stay, i would have immediately. Alas, He had just broken up with a guy who had broken His heart and wasn't ready for another relationship.

Over the years, Daddy took me places that i would never have hoped or dared to go on my own...or with anyone else. He loved edge play and i trusted Him with my life. He was demanding and would work His boys hard, but He did it with love. That may sound strange, but anyone into edge play will know what i mean.

About a year ago, He started a relationship with His new boy joe. To be honest, i was a bit jealous at first, wanting to be His number one boy. But as time passed and i saw how happy they both were, i was happy for them both...though a bit jealous, at time, of all the fun they were having. Of couse, at the same time, i had met my husbear kiwi59 who actually flew Daddy out for my graduation from university last year and, since His flights got all messed up, He got a free ticket to come back for my birthday that October. Am i a lucky boy or what?

Fortunately, i got to talk to Him just about a week ago...and were talking about He and boyjoe going to Europe next year and i was giving Him ideas. We had also talked about my coming out to play for aweek...a total week in bondage.

i will miss my Dadbear. i know many men and boys will. He loved this boy and i loved him. i always will.


daddy, dadbear

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