May 23, 2006 17:24
So I got an e-mail response today from oneof my job possibilities.
Unfortunately, I had to describe what is meant by "internship" at UCF.
I am still waiting for a response on that, but the woman was kind enough to offer to send my resume through the grapevine to see if anyone was hiring. Sweetness.
Crossing my fingers on this one. I could really use a job right about now! I'm sick of Baja! (Yes. I technically "quit" Baja, but I stay on for weekends because I can work and make SOME money, but not work 40 hours a week.)
So now I sit in class awaiting 6:00 for it to start. I think the bonus of stil "working" for Baja... is the "free food" factor. Whenever I want, I can go in and help myself to food... because they love me, even if I don't always like them.
Oh... and the season finale of 24 was fucking WONDERFUL.
What a way to end it... success, but not totally? Do I smell a 6th season? Of course I do... Kiefer Sutherland is signed on to do at least two more seasons of my favorite show.
I was, however, DISAPPOINTED by the Family Guy season finale. It was the Stewie Griffin movie... the one I got on DVD a few months ago. WTF!? That BETTER not be included in the 4th or 5th season boxed sets or I'm going to be quite angry that I spent 20$ on it already.