So I know this boy:
His name is Tim Howard. He's spaztic and crazy. The sound of his voice makes me melt.
Sometimes he wears coconut bras on his head. He pops his feet from out on their sides and back when he's standing and listening. He finds stuff to play with when he's on the phone. His eyes wrinkle when he smiles and his nose crinkles when he laughs hard. He puts arrangements of songs he likes on print music for fun. I taught him how to pump gas.
We do classy things.
We do silly things.
He knows how to juggle, walk on stilts, and do ventriloquism with his dummy, Stanley. Whenever I say something that's silly or frustrates him he smiles and rolls his eyes. It's my favorite face. I've seen all his home videos he made from when he was little, including The Blob. The sun makes him sneeze.
He always smells perfect.
This is the boy I'm in love with.